1971 School Magazine
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a splendid effort in providing costumes-they were delightful, and captivated the audience. After turning the clock back eighty or so years, we then found ourselves preparing a programme for School Day. dmongst our items, Susan Parnell sang "The Moon and I", and also Alis.on Don sang Nanki-Poo's song "A Wandering Minstrel, I", followed by Karen Stringer singing "For He's Going to Marry Yum-Gum". Our quartet "So please you Sir, we much regret" consisted of S. Parnell, K. Stringer, M. Herbet, P. Slaughter, assisted by R. Staines, Y. Morton and J. Stern. To our conductress, Miss Frederick, we owe much for such opportunities for enjoyment and satisfaction in our school activities. From those sixths, leaving the "ranks", we render a special thank-you for years of invaluable experience and to the remaining members, we urge their full support to Miss Frederick in her tireless efforts. Thanks also go to our pianist, Catherine Milliken.
Once again, the Madrigal singers have been active during the past year. We began, hoping to stage our presentation of "The Mikado", but as time wore on, circumstances proved this too ambitious an under- taking. However oui repertoire of Gilbert and Sullivan songs was certainly not without benefit, and appeared on our School Day programme. The choir then joined the Drama groups in the "1890 Review" on the 25th June, presenting our version of d church choir gathering brilliantly introduced by our 'little parson' (Robyn Torney). We sang "Two Little Girls in Blue", "In my Little Bottom Drawer", a quartet from "The Mikado", "Believe me if all those endearing young charms" and "Lovely Lake in London". The audience was delighted by the duet "The Last Rose of Summer", sung by Alison Don and Susan Parnell. We were also "privileged" to have in our midst the bass soloist Mr. Gagus McPherson (Patricia Webber, in disguise of course!) and his would-be-girl-friend (Peta Slaughter), presenting their version of "You-along-a Me". Our special thanks go to the mothers of the girls for such
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