2022 Annual Review
Brisbane Girls Grammar School Staff
Executive Staff Principal Ms Jacinda Euler Welsh BA, GDipEd, MEdSt, MACE, MACEL, MAICD Deputy Principal Mrs Anne Ingram BSc, DipEd, AMusA, MACEL, Med(Leadership&Mgt) Deputy Principal (Academic) Dr Bruce Addison BA, BBus (Econ), BEdSt, PhD, DipEd, MAICD, MACE, FACEL Deputy Principal (Co-curriculum) Ms Sophie Mynott BA LLB, GDipEd, MIntRel Chief Financial Officer and Secretary to the Board Ms Rachel Fraser BCom, GradDip Adv Acctg, CA, GAICD Dean of Studies Mr James Keogh DipTeach, BEd, MEd, MACE, MAIP, MACEL Dean of Operations Ms Tennille Cummings BSc, GDipEd, MEd (Leadership and Mgt), MACEL Dean of Students Ms Melinda Egan BA, GDipEd, MEd Director of Human Resources Ms Retha Wood BA(Psych), BCom(Hons) (Industrial Sociology), MBA, MAHRI Director of Communications and Engagement Ms Veena Herron BJourn, BCommun(Hons), GradCert (Research), MIntRel Director of Development and Alumnae Relations Ms Georgina Anthonisz BMus, CFRE, MInstF(Cert) (Terms 1-3) Director of Information Technology
Directors Centre for School Wide Pedagogy Ms Susan Garson BA/BEd, MEdStud Creative Arts Mr Andrew Penna BA, BEd English Ms Jo Genders BEd(Hons) Health and Physical Education
Heads of House Associate Dean Ms Sarah Frew BA, BEd, MEdSt(Leadership), MEduProfSt(Research) Associate Dea n (Academic Administration) Ms Elaine Serisier BEd(Hons) Beanland Mrs Sacha Cross BAppSc (HMS)/BEd(Sec) England Ms Alysia Stark BAppSc(HMSEd), Cert IV Training & Assessment, MAppSc (Sports Coaching) Gibson Mrs Hazel Boltman HDE(Physical Science) Griffith Ms Stephanie Thomas BEd(Sec), GCertEdMgmt Hirschfeld Mrs Alice Dabelstein BEd Lilley Mrs Sybil Edwards BA, DipT Mackay Ms Ruth Jans BA, BEd O’Connor Ms Sarah Boyle BA, BEd(GE), GradCertRE Woolcock
Mr Stephen Fogarty BEd, MACHPEMs Humanities Ms Alison Dare BA(Hons), DipEd, MA Instrumental Music Ms Laurinda Davidson BAMus, GDipMusSt International Studies Ms Cathy Lu
BA, MA(ChineseTrans&Inter), GradDipEd(Sec), GradCertEd (Leadership & Mgt) Library and Information Services Ms Rachael Christopherson BA, DipEd Mathematics
Ms Catrin Huxtable BSc(Hons), PGCE Outdoor Education Ms Kim Wood BASc, GDipEd, MEd Science Dr Sally Stephens
BSc, MScEd(Dist), GradDipT, GradDipCommComp, EdD Service Mrs Lynne Mungomery BHMS(Ed), CertIVTrngAssmnt Sport Ms Jo Duffy BEd, MEd Technologies Mr Brendon Thomas CertFineArts, BEd, PGradCertOEd, MEd, CertIVTrngAssmnt
Mrs Violet Ross BA, GradDipEd Year 7 Advisor Mrs Sally Callie BEd
Mrs Cherie Nowlan BInfoTech (Hons)
Brisbane Girls Grammar School Annual Review 2022
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