2022 Annual Review
Unveiled at a ceremony attended by Chair of the Board of Trustees, Ms Julie McKay, Principal, Ms Jacinda Euler Welsh, Trustees, staff, current and former P&F Association members, and parents, the event brought together the Girls Grammar community in celebration of this important P&F milestone and significant gift to the School. Embracing the symbolism and history of Minerva, Ms Euler Welsh noted that her position on a sandstone plinth at the front of the School is most
appropriate since the city of Athens was under Minerva’s special protection. ‘In addition to the array of attributes she signifies, Minerva is considered by many to be the wisest of all Roman gods and goddesses. She is also attributed with fighting on behalf of just causes and was seen as a civilising influence on society— qualities that we aim to instil in Girls Grammar students today.’
Brisbane Girls Grammar School Annual Review 2022
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