2020 School Magazine
Y ear 11 Chemistry has been full of discovery and adventure. Although we have been studying chemistry for four years, we feel like real chemists after graduating to the shiny white lab coats that now accompany our goggles. Practical work is the best part of the course and we use our observations and data to explore new ideas and concepts. It has been amazing to find there is so much out there that we did not even suspect existed. It has also been reassuring to find the trends, patterns and relationships that exist between all of the new topics we are studying. So far, we have explored redox chemistry, stoichiometry, organic chemistry and intermolecular forces—the glue that holds everything together (that’s a chemistry joke!). Sierra Reza (11H)
H ave you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to know some basic facts about infectious diseases and how the human body works? Well, you would have been in luck if you had studied Year 11 Biology. This year we have studied the lymphatic, circulatory, respiratory, immune and urinary systems. We learned about isotonic solutions while learning from home and returned to school just in time for the much anticipated heart and kidney dissection. Our student experiment into the behaviour of Euglena saw us hone our microscope skills. Our research investigation into vaccine and infectious disease trends was incredibly timely and valuable in terms of understanding the global COVID-19 pandemic. We enjoyed our excursions to Stradbroke Island in Term 4 to prepare for Year 12 work. Jillian Campbell (11O), Caitlin Carley (11E), Sophie Carlton (11G) and Miranda Ward (11W)
Y ear 11 Physics has been a rollercoaster ride of adventure. Although COVID-19 halted our experiments and practicals for a time, when we returned to campus there was certainly plenty of Physics fun to be had. We blew bubbles, collided carts, and looked at light through a variety of lenses, mirrors, and filters. The cohort has newfound knowledge on topics including radiation, electricity, and all kinds of waves. Much like an atom of Uranium on its way to becoming a stable nuclide of lead, the knowledge our teachers have given us has left us with the confidence and stability to embark on our senior Physics journey. We are grateful for the dedication of our teachers and the opportunities BGGS provides. Wijdan Rahim (11G)
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