2020 School Magazine
Y ear 7 Science has opened our eyes to the wonders of science. Many of us started the year with little scientific knowledge, but that is no longer the case. Throughout the year we explored different fields of Science, including Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Now we know how to work scientifically, analyse chemical reactions and calculate velocity and momentum of moving objects—possibly even a rocket ship! Our favourite part has been the hands-on learning, in particular using the hovercraft, programming the telescope, and conducting experiments. Science has become one of the most interesting and fun subjects! Jaimee Jessop (7R) and Olivia King (7R)
I n Year 8 Science we have explored a number of interesting topics. We began the year studying body systems in Biology. We had fun learning about the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems, and how they work together to carry out cellular respiration. It was also interesting to learn about the systems of other animals. In Chemistry we built on our knowledge of the states of matter from Year 7 Chemistry by learning about atomic theory and studying the Periodic Table. In Physics we learned about the different types of radiation and evaluated whether or not radiation is safe. We also learned about the difference between Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation. We studied the negative effect that radiation has on the human body, such as cancer, and positive uses for radiation, such as x-ray imaging.
Overall, it has been very interesting and enjoyable. Charlotte Clayton (8B) and Aleena Mohammed (8B)
Y ear 9 Science has cultivated our learning experience to be about investigating issues that affect us on a global scale. The Biology unit in Term 1 focused jointly on Health and Disease and Ecology , exploring transmission of pathogens, methods of disease prevention and treatment, as well as the interactions of organisms within their ecosystems and various factors affecting their survival. In Term 2, a unit on Earth Science provided insight into the structure of our planet, the classification of rocks, and their ongoing cycle through the crust, mantle and core. In Term 3, the Physics unit centred on electric charges, their interactions in different objects and the energy conversions taking place in circuit loads. In Term 4, our study of Chemistry developed an understanding of behavioural properties of substances with varying atomic structure. I personally found it very relevant and useful to build on existing knowledge and then apply gained understanding in a wide range of forms, from interpreting figures and diagrams, through to utilising mathematical formulae. Overall, the scope of Science this year has been thoroughly enjoyable and has sparked interest and curiosity at every moment in the classroom. Grace Paschkewitz (9O)
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