2020 School Magazine


They said we’re moving, they told us where. They said we’re moving, while sister cried in despair.

They said we’re moving, we’ve been there before. They said we’re moving, of course we had no control. I boarded the plane, so I said goodbye. I boarded the plane, as we flew into the night. As we arrived, I did not know what I left behind. As we arrived, the Aussie sun shined. In our new home, I started to miss the old. In our new home, school started tomorrow we were told. At the new school, my accent was questioned. At the new school- I looked the same. I guess I could call myself the same, an Aussie. But when the question came, what would I say? Where are you from? I guess that’s up to me. They say home is where the heart is,

but what if your home is in 2 different places? I guess it all depends on your perspective. You see when 7 billion people awoke to today, Did they say their perspective ‘oh by the way.’ Or did they keep their view on today to themselves? Because perspective is not something you’re taught when you’re born, but rather you form by looking at the world. That’s why I did not realise how my perspective would change when I boarded that one plane and-

That’s why looking back now, when they said we’re moving three years ago. I did not know what I’d think of when I thought about home. Charlotte Falting (8B)


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