2020 Annual Review
Collective effort We saw the power of the collective to effect change across our country. And from the beginning, we had the support of our community. At every stage—our staff and families chose to err on the side of caution. ‘We’ll just keep her home’ parents said, long before being asked or required to. And of course following disappointment, came acceptance as we adjusted our expectations, and ultimately we understood gratitude—as we saw some of the horrifying images of suffering from around the world, even interstate, knowing we had escaped them for ourselves. How privileged we have been as a society … to be able to think and respond to this crisis. At our School and around our nation, we really did feel … ‘We were all in this together’. students enjoyed?—more freedom to manage their learning routines and schedule of the day, greater independence, more time for sleep, perhaps a gentler pace. For we’re not a static entity and use these opportunities to evolve. We learned this week, that the Word of the Year for 2020 is ‘Iso’. Which I must say, is a word I tend to associate with strange haircuts. Following our experience of isolation we had the much longed for return. Professional staff back in their offices of expertise, teachers back in their classrooms where the mystery, the alchemy of learning takes place. We may have been experiencing similar things all alone, together—but the fundamental importance of presence and relationship was made crystal clear. I have never seen greater joy on the faces of Grammar girls than when those students first returned to their School, their teachers and one another. The desire for certainty This year our very special Year 12s will be the first to graduate in the new system. And while the desire for certainty, particularly in times of crisis, is understandable … the truth is—as we have seen— we never know what the future holds. How will our girls perform, how will our School be ranked? We simply cannot know the answers. Now, we look to the future What will be different after COVID the girls curiously ask? How do we preserve what our
But what I do know is there could be no School whose teachers have worked harder to deliver the new system or been more dedicated to the task of preparing our students to succeed within it. And just as importantly, have them feel confident with their choices and within themselves. Thank you I thank … • the Trustees for their calm, unwavering support and wise counsel as stewards of our School and for being there, this year in particular, whatever you were managing in your own professional and personal lives • Julie McKay, for her integrity and compassion, always, and clear focus in decision making as Chair of the Board of Trustees • our parents for their loyal support and trust— for the survey feedback that helped guide us, for every email of support that affirmed us and for your perhaps deepened loyalty and understanding of the value of being part of this very special community dedication but in this year, I thank you more than ever, for I know what load you have carried • our students for reminding us, every day, of what matters and why we are here. To our Year 12 girls ... as you leave us today I hope you understand you have been pioneers—since your first day of Prep, your first day of Year 7 and as you sat those first external exams. You have been prepared to embrace any challenge the future may hold. Have confidence that you have the education, the friendships, the support of our community and a resilience born of the experiences of this year that will serve you—our strong and capable pioneers— in the long years of your life ahead. Thank you. • our staff for their usual expertise and
Brisbane Girls Grammar School Annual Review 2020
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