2020 Annual Review

From the Chair


This year Brisbane Girls Grammar School launched our updated Strategic Design 2020-2022 , which focuses on the importance of lifelong learning and highlights the exceptional work of the School in the areas of wellbeing and inclusion.

In the context of 2020, it has never been more important to ensure that our girls are prepared to take their place in, and contribute to, the world with resilience, passion and creativity. Despite the complexities faced by all, the Board of Trustees was pleased to see many projects completed and accomplishments achieved during 2020 that reflect the ethos of our School. Once again, the School’s academic results were outstanding in 2020—with 100 per cent of the Year 12 cohort eligible for an ATAR score, and more than 77.17 per cent of Grammar girls receiving an ATAR score 90 or above (equivalent of OP1-5). The individual achievements of our Grammar girls were also as diverse as they were impressive in 2020. The stories shared with the Board of Trustees during 2020 of students adopting technology to support their studies and perhaps more importantly, engaging with others in meaningful and new ways— to reimagine the BGGS experience—have been remarkable. In a year where we were often unable to physically meet, our community rediscovered the importance of connection to each other, and the School, as it continues to grow and evolve. Our Support Groups and volunteers expended hours revising plans, imagining new opportunities, and once we were again able to meet, ensured that everything was delivered in the safest possible way. Our alumnae also showed support for the School and their own communities. Grammar women continued to stimulate important conversations about women in leadership, and gender equality in the workforce—a timely discussion as the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on women and girls around the world continues to grow. Alumnae also joined the campaign to support our frontline workers in 2020—dedicating time to work with Grammar girls to create personal protective

equipment for healthcare workers, recruiting patients to expedite COVID-19 research in Australia, and campaigning to fast-track vaccine testing. For the Board of Trustees, our responsibility lies in ensuring the School provides the best possible resources and facilities to support our girls’ learning, in alignment with the Strategic Design . In 2020, the School opened our new Science Learning Centre, an extraordinary learning asset that will act as a hub for the pursuit of scientific knowledge, supporting girls’ educational development by evoking questions and analytical thinking. It was an honour to be present at the official opening of the building on Tuesday 20 October 2020. The building’s construction—and the ongoing development of the School—is only possible with the generous support of our community, and I thank the many families connected to the School who contributed to this project. In 2020, we also celebrated 145 years of Brisbane Girls Grammar School, acknowledging that which makes us unique—our steadfast approach to an excellent education for girls and young women, our strong traditions and contemporary outlook, and our indomitable spirit. As always, I am thankful for the guidance and support of my fellow Trustees, the leadership of our Principal, Ms Jacinda Euler, and the professionalism of BGGS staff in responding to the many and varied changes necessitated, while ensuring our students continued to be educated with great expertise and care in 2020. This has been a challenging year for our society and our School. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I thank our School community for your ongoing support of Brisbane Girls Grammar School. I hope you will join me in facing 2021 with optimism and determination in delivering our shared commitment of enriching girls’ lives through learning.


Brisbane Girls Grammar School Annual Review 2020

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