2019 School Magazine
TOGETHER INTHE HIVE, TAKEFLIGHT AND THRIVE W oolcock’s motto for 2019 was ‘Together in the hive, take flight and thrive’, which aimed to encourage girls to be enthusiastically involved in our Woolcock Hive. This motto embodied our goals for the year and helped create a close-knit, supportive family within our House. There was also a focus on making sure girls felt individually appreciated, with the idea that each bee in the hive is equally as important and valued. Awarding aWoolcockWomanof theWeekallowed us to celebrate girls’ individual accomplishments. The concept that each girl within our House represents an individual bee within our hive helped develop greater unity across all Year levels, with the hope of achieving maximum participation and involvement in House activities throughout the year. Woolcock House is known for being an encouraging and spirited House, and this year was no exception. In 2019, we hoped to bring our enthusiasm and energy to the sporting area at all Interhouse competitions, which was evident in our war cries. Whether it was Swimming, Cross Country or Athletics, we wanted every girl to feel included in our Woolcock Hive and cheer on their sisters in the pool and on the track or field. With this collective perseverance and determination, we were able to put our best feet forward and continue improving on previous years’ performances. Each girl put in 110 per cent and our fantastic results would not have been possible without the dedication of our Woolcock warriors. Mackenzie Curtis and Penelope Sophios HOUSE CAPTAINS
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