2018 School Magazine

SERVICE REPORT To us, service means community, support and passion. The service motto for 2018, ‘Aspire to Inspire’, was motivated by the values that we hold close to our hearts and the ideals set by the Year 12 cohort of pride, individuality and empowerment. From a service perspective, the emphasis was on empowerment as we encouraged every girl to participate in Service and aspire to work hard and do good, and in turn, inspire others do the same. Our goal for 2018, was to make this motto more than a catch- phrase and rather a frame of mind. The value of education is something important to all Grammar girls. We have grown up being taught not to take our education for granted. Something so accessible in Australia is a fundamental human right that many people across the world are denied. In our final, bittersweet year of secondary school, we dedicated our fundraising efforts to those who face barriers in accessing education, or who are unable to make the most of their education due to personal circumstances. We chose two School charities, one domestic and one international charity that aligned with the Student Council’s vision for 2018. The charities were The Smith Family, who provide better opportunities for disadvantaged Australian children, and The Malala Fund, which works to provide women all over the world with 12 years of safe and free education. From student-driven initiatives such as Valentine’s Day and Open Day 2018 there has been ample opportunity this year to spread the spirit of service. Each house did a wonderful job of raising money for their House charities at Open Day 2018.

We were pleased to see girls from each Year level contributing to Service in 2018. Year 7 students fundraised money for the Jump Rope for Heart Foundation, while Year 8 and 9 girls sponsored a child through World Vision within their House Groups. Year 10 students participated in a Community Service Program, where each girl completed 15 hours of service outside of School. Among other service commitments, Year 11 girls held ‘study buddy’ sessions to help Year 7 students' transition into secondary school and Year 12 participated in an array of service activities including badge selling for the Anzac Day Commemorative Committee and sandwich making for the Ecumenical Coffee Brigade. Throughout the year, Grammar girls supported numerous charity groups through bake stalls, food drives, raffles, and food and clothing drives. Grammar Goes Green was one of the most successful events for Service, followed by White Blouse Day where girls showed their solidarity and support for the Cherish Foundation, which focuses on female gynecological health. Thank you to everyone who partook in Service this year, including our devoted House Service Captains, and special mention to Mrs Mungomery for her ongoing support to Service. Helena Gandhi (12O) and Shivali Raj (12G) Service Captains


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