2018 School Magazine

WARRIORS Woolcock’s motto for this year was ‘Go Bananas’, encouraging girls to be enthusiastic about House events. When creating the motto, we envisioned the House as a banana tree. The banana bunches represent each House group and each banana represents individual girls, soft and sweet on the inside with a tough exterior and a great source of energy. The most important part of this metaphor is the common theme, despite being unique, these girls grow and develop from this one tree— Woolcock House. When it came to the sporting arena, Woolcock’s goal was to improve on the House results from previous years. Our first big ‘victory’ was placing eighth in the Interhouse Swimming (yes, that was an improvement), followed by seventh at Interhouse Cross Country. Interhouse Athletics marked the final competition of the year and the lactic acid did not hold us back. Each girl ran, threw and jumped to the best of her ability, securing Woolcock an exceptional fourth place. A huge thank you to the girls who supported and cheered for their fellow Woolcokatoos. Competing in Interhouse events can be nerve racking but the Woolcockatoo warriors made it look effortless. Open Day 2018 saw Year 11 girls take charge of the Woolcock Waffle store, the ice cream and chocolate sauce was a hit and we successfully sold out. The money raised was donated to Woolcock’s House Charity for 2018, Fight MND. The pride, spirit and pure happiness that arose from Woolcock’s endeavours this year, is something that is hard to explain. So instead, we will leave you with this quote from a fellow yellow friend, Winnie the Pooh, ‘How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.’ We thank our wonderful Head of House, Mrs Ross, for her ongoing support. Alice Cavdarski and Lena Jorgensen HOUSE CAPTAINS


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