2018 School Magazine
GREEN FAMILY This year, our House aspiration was to see Lilley girls participate in all House events and integrate Year levels into one unified group. Our ‘green family’ welcomed its newest ‘Lillians’, the Year 7 girls, at the Lilley House party. The afternoon was filled with dancing, pizza, and of course, frogs. The costumes did not disappoint, with the pool lawn transforming into a sea of green and the prestigious title of ‘Miss Lilley’ was awarded to the girl with the best green costume. Lilley House had great success in this year’s sporting events, placing third in Interhouse Swimming and Interhouse Cross Country. Multiple records were broken by Lilley girls at the swimming carnival and our success at both events was a result of girls’ athleticism and team spirit. Congratulations to all girls who participated, volunteered or cheered on their fellow sisters in green. Lilley could not have achieved these amazing results without the encouragement and support from each other, led by our incredible and hard-working House Sports Captains, Harriet Reinhold and Madilyn Shipley. Stepping away from the sporting scene, our artistic and musically gifted Lilley sisters shone in the Interhouse Choir competition. Each Lillian gave 100 per cent to show that our well-rounded House was a force to be reckoned with. The fantastic results were gained through the help and support of our House Choir Captains, Tess Bakharia and Chelsea Deveraux.
Open Day 2018 was a huge success, with a record amount of money raised, from the Lilley House fudge stall, donating all proceeds to the Australian Melanoma Foundation. It was also an exciting opportunity to meet future Lilley legends who will join the House in years to come. Lilley House participated in a number of service initiatives throughout the year and we thank House Service Captains, Kiara Lockyer and Anna Withers for leading the way. Overall, Lilley House embraced the opportunities on offer this year and extended the hand of friendships to girls within the House and beyond, accomplishing our goal of unity. Grace Fischer and Camille Levy HOUSE CAPTAINS
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