2018 School Magazine
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Welcome to the Brisbane Girls Grammar School 2018 School Magazine —the latest edition in a long-held tradition of preserving memories and a memento to share with students, family and friends. This year, Grammar girls were brought together in an unprecedented way, as they were asked to ‘Add their slice’ to the Girls Grammar ‘P.I.E’, as part of the Student Council’s motto which promoted three main themes: Pride; Individuality; and Empowerment .
This motto provided inspiration for the 2018 magazine, reflected in the artwork shared throughout. The colours, taken from our nine Houses represent the diversity of the School. As a school rich in creativity, compassion, intellect and athleticism, it seems opportunistic to encompass Girls Grammar in a single magazine. Yet, the combined efforts of staff and students this year has resulted in a wonderful document that when revisited in 20, 30 or 50 years from now, will remind us of the sense of pride, individuality and empowerment we enjoyed as Grammar girls. In finishing, I thank Ms Eadie, Mrs Lowry, Ms Woods from our Communications Department and the 2018 Publications Committee for their invaluable contribution to this year’s School Magazine . The committee, under the expert guidance of Ms Eadie, and leadership of Publications Captain, Alexandra Laherty (12M), worked tirelessly from Term 1, collecting articles, working with designers and attending co-curriculum events to capture the images that fill these pages. While this is undoubtedly a laborious job, it was an extremely rewarding experience. On behalf of the Publications Committee, I hope you enjoy this year’s magazine and will always remember to ‘Add your slice’. Lana Trout (12B) PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE
2018 Publications Committee
Throughout 2018, the girls and young women of Brisbane Girls Grammar School have brought to life the 2018 Student Council’s motto, the themes of which are Pride, Individuality, and Empowerment . FROM THE PRINCIPAL
Encouraging all girls to ‘add their slice’—to bring their individual talents, skills and perspectives to their roles as Grammar girls— the motto reinforced that it is the unique contributions of the individual that create and sustain our rich student community. As a lifelong memento for all 2018 students, the School Magazine features stories and images that capture beautifully the essence of the motto: to celebrate the diversity within our School community; be proud of the individual contributions of all students; and empower Grammar girls to strengthen and maintain the bond that forms the Girls Grammar sisterhood. We are a School that sets high expectations for students and encourages rigorous investigation and intellectual risk-taking. Providing experiences outside the traditional classroom setting is an invaluable aspect of learning and development, and as displayed in the pages that follow, Grammar girls have dared to test the unfamiliar through fascinating and adventurous activities throughout the year. The breadth and depth of experiences displayed is great testament to the broad, liberal educational ethos of the School, and the spirit and commitment demonstrated by students and teachers throughout 2018.
It has been my continued pleasure to witness the acumen and energy of every Grammar girl, and to work with teaching and professional staff who each day throughout our busy academic year have dedicated themselves to educate and care for our students. To the Year 12 class of 2018, as you embark on the next stage of your life—as Grammar Women—your teachers and I wish you every happiness and hope your pathways are challenging and rewarding. Ms Jacinda Euler PRINCIPAL
This year, as a Student Council, we devised three main themes— Pride, Individuality and Empowerment —to underpin our School motto. Our ultimate goal was for girls to be proud of their School, each other and most importantly themselves.
While this was a big task and a lot to ask of girls, we remained confident that creating a positive environment based on these three themes would motivate and inspire young women in all Year levels. To establish this environment, we continued celebrations such as Blue Days, on which students decked out in blue to wish girls good luck in QGSSSA events. With themes from Blue Hawaii to Bluesfest and Decked out in Denim , the creative and unique decorations adorning the Year 11 and 12 tables added to the magical atmosphere that we all treasure. It makes us incredibly happy and proud to see so many girls embracing every moment and displaying their individuality at any given chance. Throughout the year, we were humbled by girls who supported the School’s various service endeavours, including Grammar Goes Green and the annual Pink Stumps Day event. These events played significant roles in establishing community and defining the student body. To witness girls from all Year levels come together in support of a common cause, whether something as simple as planting a tree or watching a cricket game, was something truly special. As leaders, we encouraged attendance at such events, especially among the Year 12 cohort, as it has been these occasions that enriched our Girls Grammar experience and made the year so memorable. We also strongly encouraged fellow Year 12 leaders to rally for change. One of the most recent examples was the removal of decorative balloons at Open Day 2018.
We were confronted by the disconcerting impact such a beautiful abundance of helium decorations posed upon the environment. Despite the epochal expose´ of the balloons, we felt compelled to amend the tradition this year. With a quick turnaround, the Year 12 cohort worked passionately, cohesively and efficiently to form new ideas and hopefully pioneer a new tradition for future students of the School. The Student Council announced the addition of paper lanterns displayed among the large fig tree at the front of the School, as well as royal blue ribbons which adorned the white picket fence—a unique signature of the School. To honour the environment that we intended these changes to support, potted daisies flanked the School’s front entrance gates. As the 2018 Head Girls, we are proud of the Year 12 cohorts’ achievements as leaders. At the beginning of this year, we knew the hardest part of our leadership would be applying our motto in the School environment, as opposed to them being merely words on a page. However, we are delighted to say that the sense of pride and individuality each Grammar girl showcased throughout the year has made us realise we have in fact accomplished this goal. Harper McIlroy (12W) and Annabel Ryan (12E)
GROWL LOUDER Inspired by Sophia Beanland, visionary, pioneer and Lady Principal (1882-1890), the 2018 motto for Beanland House was ‘Growl louder, girl power!’ This year’s motto captures Ms Beanland’s revolutionary spirit, while encouraging girls to be involved and make a difference. In Term 1, the Beanland House Party saw girls dress as their favourite pink television character as they played games including Russian knot and knights, mounts and cavaliers. We also ran the Miss Beanland competition, which saw girls compete in a series of events including hula hoop, doughnut games, quizzes and entertaining skits. This year, House Assemblies saw girls compete in a series of ball games, skipping and a quiz on how well students knew their House group teacher. Our House Service Captions also conducted an activity to build unity within Beandland, asking girls ‘What empowers you?’ There was an emphasis on service in Term 2, as we raised awareness and funds for our House charity, Kids Helpline. Year 11 girls did an excellent job of running Beanland’s fairy floss stall at Open Day 2018 which raised more than $2000 for Kids Helpline. Shortly after, Beanland’s athleticism was put on display at Interhouse Athletics which ended on a high note where the staff-student relay placed third. It has been an honour to lead Beanland House with the support of our wonderful House Sports Captains, Caitlin MacIntyre and
Julia Chen, Service Captains, Phoebe Rutherford and Lana Trout and Prefects, Sharada Anantharaman, Jessica Bagnall, Molly Mensforth, Louise Seet, Miranda Spencer and Celina Trang. Most importantly, without the sincere care, support and hard work of our Head of House, Ms Christopherson, this year would not have been such a success. We are both so proud of our fellow Beanland Bears and will remember the precious memories we have created. As we farewell Girls Grammar, it is our hope that every Beanland girl remembers the wise words of Ms Sophia Beanland, that ‘each and every woman [has] the right to a fuller life’ and make the most of every opportunity to ‘Growl louder, girl power!’ Greta Hopsick and Amrutha Murali HOUSE CAPTAINS
GIRLS FLY HIGH At the beginning of the year, we shared our leadership vision for the House. The motto, ‘Every feather makes us better’ exemplified our goal of celebrating individuality, as well as the strength of eagle’s wings. As House Captains, we wanted to ensure each England girl embraced and celebrated her uniqueness. It has been so rewarding watching England girls fly high in 2018. This year, England House achieved great success in the Interhouse carnivals, with each ‘feather making us better’. England placed an amazing first in Interhouse Swimming and second in Interhouse Athletics. The effort, enthusiasm and determination displayed by England at both events was incredible and we were so proud of the girls’ hard work. We also could not have been happier with the spirit and sportsmanship that was displayed on the day. In Term 2, Interhouse Choir was a blast as England girls took on ABBA’s hit song, ‘Take a chance on me’. Everyone had a lot of fun and the girls’ teamwork and positive energy was wonderful to experience. From playing Kahoot, skip-a-thons and creating foil eagles, England girls were always keen to get involved in House assemblies. The girls’ reflections on diversity as part of World Diversity Day showed how important it is to understand and value difference in our society. The ‘Eagle of the Week’ tradition, which recognises the often-quiet achievements of England girls was a significant highlight this year.
Acknowledging a student’s commitment to service and her peers was a great privilege. We wish all England Eagles the best of luck with your future endeavours and thank you for making this year so memorable. We also extend our gratitude to Ms Stark and Ms McDonnell, for your support and hard work that ensured our vision for England House in 2018 was successful. Madison Irving and Catherine McLeod HOUSE CAPTAINS
GIB IT OUR ALL Coinciding with this year’s motto, our goal was to ‘gib it our all’ by coming up with a new war cry. It was difficult but eventually we found a true gladiator sound that reflected our fierce House spirit. Gibson kicked off another memorable year with the legendary House party. Girls from each Year level bonded over games of knights, mounts and cavaliers and speed donut eating, as well as copious amounts of cake and pizza. To dive into House competitions, we started off with Interhouse Swimming in Term 1. We were impressed with everyone’s spirit and discovered gladiators can glide through the pool, winning fifth place overall. Another highlight was our success in Interhouse Choir. After weeks of strenuous preparation under the watchful eye of our talented Choir Captains, Isabel Horsley and Olivia Marsault-Soar, we were awarded second place. At Open Day 2018, Year 11 girls worked tirelessly at the famous Gibson strawberry stall, where we raised an astounding $2400 for our House charity, One Girl. Well done to the Year 11 girls, who demonstrated their potential for leadership positions next year. House Assemblies allowed girls to bond with each other as we played games including dodgeball, Kahoot, Zumba, and trivia. We also ran an inter-year level competition which comprised three rounds of vigorous physical, mental and creative challenges. Congratulations to Year 9, who won the completion. Thank you to Gibson House group teachers, for their support this year, as well as the wonderful Mrs Boltman, Head of House, for being incredibly caring, supportive and organised. And of course, we thank each and every Gibson girl for wearing purple with pride and ‘gibbing’ it their all. Chelsea Collins and Georgia Perry HOUSE CAPTAINS
PACK ATTACK The Griffith House motto for 2018 was designed to inspire unison within the House and instil confidence in each girl. As captains, we wanted girls to develop strong friendships and for the School to know that Griffith House was a force to be reckoned with, hence the motto, ‘We are a pack, the redback attack’. A highlight of the year was the Griffith House Party, where girls dressed as their favourite food, as we welcomed Year 7 students and enjoyed a wonderful afternoon celebrating our House pride. Another cherished experience was the ‘Buddy Program’ between Year 7 and Year 12 students. The Year 12 girls thoroughly enjoyed being ‘big sisters’ and helping Year 7 students’ transition into secondary school. Interhouse Swimming was the ‘pack’s’ first opportunity to compete as a House, and boy did we make a splash. Griffith was represented in every race and as a result we placed second overall. Interhouse Athletics was another opportunity for the ‘redbacks’ to display their sporting talents, placing second again. House Assemblies provided girls from all Year levels the opportunity to interact. A highlight was the spirit videos made by Year 12 student, Lily Blucher, which summarised major events in the Griffith calendar. This year has been an amazing year in Griffith House. Thank you to our House group teachers and to Ms O’Sullivan and Ms Perz for your roles as Head of House. We hope that each girl gained an appreciation for themselves, each other and our very special house. Alexandra Ball and Ranee Chu HOUSE CAPTAINS
TIGHT-KNIT TIGERS In 2018, each and every Hirschfeld girl shined bright in the ‘galaxy of golden stars’, for a year full of team spirit, outstanding achievements and an abundance of activities. This year, Hirschfeld girls were encouraged to ‘Add their Slice’ and ‘give everything a go’ which was showcased when we placed first in Interhouse Cross Country and Athletics, and fifth in Interhouse Swimming—clearly tigers are best suited to land! Special thanks must go to our House Sports Captains, Dominique Di Clemente and Amity Jackson, who ensured we were well prepared for the carnivals. Throughout the year, girls who deserved extra recognition for their accomplishments were awarded ‘Star of the Week’, at House Assemblies. Other assembly highlights included Mr Pincott and Dr Taraporewalla’s mindfulness sessions, dodgeball and Year 7 student, Tung Hi Ma’s, origami lesson. The 2018 Hirschfeld House Party, themed ‘Disco’, brought out everyone’s individuality and creativeness for a fun afternoon of activities. We followed tradition with cake, pizza, and the Miss Hirschfeld competition but also introduced new disco-inspired party games. A highlight this year was the infamous Hirschfeld Hot Potato Stall at Open Day 2018 which raised more than $7000 for the Pyjama Foundation, supporting the education of children in foster care. We also decided to branch out and support The Smith Family, by sponsoring a child. All Hirschfeld girls should be proud of the difference we have made to the lives of these children. It has been a privilege to lead such an exceptional House. We sincerely thank all girls, House group teachers and Head of House, Mrs Dabelstein for their ongoing support and passion throughout the year. We will miss the tight-knit ‘tiger’ family but have no doubt this wonderful group of girls will continue to grow and achieve great things. Sally Finch and Isabella Strachan HOUSE CAPTAINS
GREEN FAMILY This year, our House aspiration was to see Lilley girls participate in all House events and integrate Year levels into one unified group. Our ‘green family’ welcomed its newest ‘Lillians’, the Year 7 girls, at the Lilley House party. The afternoon was filled with dancing, pizza, and of course, frogs. The costumes did not disappoint, with the pool lawn transforming into a sea of green and the prestigious title of ‘Miss Lilley’ was awarded to the girl with the best green costume. Lilley House had great success in this year’s sporting events, placing third in Interhouse Swimming and Interhouse Cross Country. Multiple records were broken by Lilley girls at the swimming carnival and our success at both events was a result of girls’ athleticism and team spirit. Congratulations to all girls who participated, volunteered or cheered on their fellow sisters in green. Lilley could not have achieved these amazing results without the encouragement and support from each other, led by our incredible and hard-working House Sports Captains, Harriet Reinhold and Madilyn Shipley. Stepping away from the sporting scene, our artistic and musically gifted Lilley sisters shone in the Interhouse Choir competition. Each Lillian gave 100 per cent to show that our well-rounded House was a force to be reckoned with. The fantastic results were gained through the help and support of our House Choir Captains, Tess Bakharia and Chelsea Deveraux.
Open Day 2018 was a huge success, with a record amount of money raised, from the Lilley House fudge stall, donating all proceeds to the Australian Melanoma Foundation. It was also an exciting opportunity to meet future Lilley legends who will join the House in years to come. Lilley House participated in a number of service initiatives throughout the year and we thank House Service Captains, Kiara Lockyer and Anna Withers for leading the way. Overall, Lilley House embraced the opportunities on offer this year and extended the hand of friendships to girls within the House and beyond, accomplishing our goal of unity. Grace Fischer and Camille Levy HOUSE CAPTAINS
How do you define what it means to be a Mackay angel and how do you explain the unique bond shared between 155 girls? As Mackay seniors, we have experienced the support, spirit and determination of Mackay House for the past five years. This year, we are grateful to have led such an inspiring, enthusiastic and passionate group. As House Captains, we instilled the motto ‘Challenge accepted’ into all House activities, encouraging girls to not balk before their challenges, but to strive to overcome them. We could not be more proud of the way in which Mackay girls implemented this motto throughout the year. In 2018, as a result of our undeniable spirit and determination, Mackay won both the Interhouse Cross Country and choir cups. Although we are undoubtedly proud of these results, the real pride comes from the spirit and support we saw at each event. At Interhouse Cross Country, Mackay sisters lined the sides of the track, cheering and holding up signs of encouragement. At swimming and athletics, as each girl crossed the finishing line, an uproar of cheers could be distinguished from our corner of the venue. For choir, Mackay spent weeks practising the Friends theme song, ‘I’ll be there for you’, a fitting choice that is emblematic of our support for each other. We can say without a doubt, that each Mackay girl embraced the motto, ‘Challenged Accepted’ and as House Captains, we could not be more proud that our mission this year was accomplished.
Thank you to each Mackay girl for this extraordinary year and to our Head of House, Ms Jans, we would have been lost without you. We also thank our House Group teachers for their support and guidance. Finally, thank you to the Mackay seniors. Your leadership and constant, unwavering support has meant so much. We are so lucky to have shared the last five years with you and sincerely wish each one of you the best. We cannot wait to see what the future holds and hope you will always remember your Mackay memories. Jessica Hanh and Gemma Sherington HOUSE CAPTAINS
The 2018 O’Connor House motto was ‘you’ll never be alone in Maroon’. As House Captains we felt this encapsulated our goal for the year—to unite the House while celebrating individuality and integrating girls from different year levels. We wanted the motto to reassure O’Connor girls that we value them as individuals but they will always be surrounded by friends and could talk to anyone in the House regardless of their Year level. This year, O’Connor girls displayed a huge amount of enthusiasm and spirit at all house events. House party was a success, with O’Connor allocated the A3 space, the designated ‘dancefloor’ of the School. This proved to be particularly entertaining and united the House as all grades danced together. We also set up a maroon photo wall to encourage house spirit, with Otis the octopus (our mascot) as a prop. We wanted House Assemblies this year to be fun and light hearted. ‘Kahoots’ was a big success as it allowed the whole House to compete together, joining with different year levels from time to time. O’Connor girls embraced the individuality aspect of this year’s School motto, ‘P.I.E’. From the Year 7 student who played her violin at house party to volunteering to busk at School or reading out slam poetry, each girl’s confidence shone through. We acknowledge and thank our wonderful Heads of House, Ms Boyle and Ms McDonnell, for their hard work and support this year. Helena Ruddell and Madeleine Ryals HOUSE CAPTAINS
WARRIORS Woolcock’s motto for this year was ‘Go Bananas’, encouraging girls to be enthusiastic about House events. When creating the motto, we envisioned the House as a banana tree. The banana bunches represent each House group and each banana represents individual girls, soft and sweet on the inside with a tough exterior and a great source of energy. The most important part of this metaphor is the common theme, despite being unique, these girls grow and develop from this one tree— Woolcock House. When it came to the sporting arena, Woolcock’s goal was to improve on the House results from previous years. Our first big ‘victory’ was placing eighth in the Interhouse Swimming (yes, that was an improvement), followed by seventh at Interhouse Cross Country. Interhouse Athletics marked the final competition of the year and the lactic acid did not hold us back. Each girl ran, threw and jumped to the best of her ability, securing Woolcock an exceptional fourth place. A huge thank you to the girls who supported and cheered for their fellow Woolcokatoos. Competing in Interhouse events can be nerve racking but the Woolcockatoo warriors made it look effortless. Open Day 2018 saw Year 11 girls take charge of the Woolcock Waffle store, the ice cream and chocolate sauce was a hit and we successfully sold out. The money raised was donated to Woolcock’s House Charity for 2018, Fight MND. The pride, spirit and pure happiness that arose from Woolcock’s endeavours this year, is something that is hard to explain. So instead, we will leave you with this quote from a fellow yellow friend, Winnie the Pooh, ‘How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.’ We thank our wonderful Head of House, Mrs Ross, for her ongoing support. Alice Cavdarski and Lena Jorgensen HOUSE CAPTAINS
Sharada Anantharaman
Elizabeth Au
Jessica Bagnall
Maya Bassi
Chandla Briggs
Daphne Chan
Chih-Ling (Julia) Chen
Caitlin Edwards
Lauren Hastie
Greta Hopsick
Caitlin MacIntyre
Maia Martin
Lauren Menkens
Molly Mensforth
Amelia Mills
Amrutha Murali
Phoebe Rutherford
Ming-Rui (Louise) Seet
Miranda Spencer
Emily Stock
Kristie Stoke
Mia Sundin
Isobel Tiernan
Celina Trang
Lana Trout
Katrina Beresford
Lucinda Blundell
Aimee Boulton
Alyssa Catakovic
Zahra Chamadia
Natalie DiMichele
Bianca Elisseos
Sophie Bykersma
Amy Flux
Clare Gordon
Isabella Hensen
Sarah Hurley
Laura Field
Eliza King
Catherine Li
Eliza Lusis
Catherine McLeod
Madison Irving
Annabel Ryan
Emma Schmidley
Isabella Sommerville
Maria Stavrianos
Jane O’Driscoll
Jiaqi (Emily) Zhang
Alexandria Zoppi
Nicole Truong
Le Ming (Megan) Chen
Chelsea Collins
Jessica Crawford
Olivia Dalton
Imogen Doerfer
Isabella Douglas
Elsie Edwards
Maddison Facey
Isabel Horsley
Siena Hunt
Joely Johnson
Rebecca Kitson
Laura Macbeth
Olivia Marsault-Soar
Inez Ormrod
Georgia Perry
Emelia Phillips
Louise Rainbird
Shivali Raj
Samantha Snape
Nanda Soe
Kaitlyn Tam
Jade Taylan
Grace Teng
Lily Whitaker
Xing Chen (Rebecca) Zhu
Xing Rui (Celina) Zhu
Alexandra Ball
Alison Beckey
Lily Blucher
Ranee Chu
Freya Davis
Isabella Fenwick
Chloe Fleming
Christina Chan
Yee Ping Goh
Abby Knights
Indee Lee
Caitlin McGrath
Lottie Forno
Anusha Nayak
Mia Pearn
Anais Perrie
Georgia Petersen
Charlotte Mitchell
Edith Rodda
Bidisha Roy
Tara Sinclair
Nicole Siong
Zoe Phillips
Sara Watson
Lauren Woolrych
Jessie Wu
Sammi Ting
Jemma Allan
Javani Basnayake
Zoe Boe
Saskia Carruthers
Miranda Chan
Lydia Connolly
Sophie Derrick
Dominique Di Clemente
Makenzie Durbridge
Sally Finch
Amitha Gottumukkala
Hannah Hinckfuss
Amity Jackson
Mary Keyser
Aaliya Khan
Georgina Leeuwendal
Ella Leydon
Ashleigh McDonald
Emilia Palka
Grace Read
Siena Stacey
Isabella Strachan
Asha Varghese
Jessica Weavis
Greta Wyllie
Ting Xing
Sevella Agnew
Alexandra Atherton
Tess Bakharia
Vivian Chen
Chelsea Devereaux
Grace Fischer
Elizabeth Frew
Aprajita Bhasin
Imogen Horton
Malorie Jackson
Sylvia King
Camille Levy
Isabella Hindman
Isabella Othman
Mackenzie Platt
Harriet Reinhold
Jasmin Riksen
Kiara Lockyer
Emma Stacey
Jessica Tang
Caitlin Wenck
Georgia White
Madilyn Shipley
Anna Withers
Annie Zheng
Sarah Wilkey
Analiese Atkinson
Holly Catsoulis
Grace Choo
Elisabeth Chua
Charlotte Cory
Tiffany Davison
Sameera De Silva
Luella Gardner
Kate Gibbons
Rebecca Haley
Jessica Hanh
Alicia Harasty
Emma Harding
Alexandra Laherty
Elyse McFarlane
Gauri Nair
Lily Perkins
Hannah Ralph
Phillipa Riordan
Gemma Sherington
Katherine Strooper
Lucy Sullivan
Sarah Tran
Annabelle Wakeling
Ashlyn Winter
Anna Angelos
Isabella Berlese
Lily Choma
Monique Dindas-Bancroft
Josie Edwards
Helena Gandhi
Olivia Harness
Albertine Cooke
Amaana Hussain
Zi-Yan (Joanne) Kao
Yoon Kwak
Charlotte Lowe
Jade Huang
Lillian Munro-Lemmey
Alexandra Muratidis
Bianca Naumann
Hannah Nguyen
Abigail Martin
Imogen Ross
Helena Ruddell
Madeleine Ryals
Eloise Tam
Ishita Punj
Lynette Wong
Nida Zaka
Prue Topping
Isabella Baker
Sophie Bath
Alice Cavdarski
Caitlin Challinor
Zoe Clayden-Zabik
Saffron Forbes
Sasha Harman
Annabelle Hinchey
Yvette Hines
Rebecca Jak
Lena Jorgensen
Jordan Lee
India Macrossan
Harper McIlroy
Zoe McSweeney
Zoe Neale
Michelle Nguyen
Chloe Norris
Anneka Pereira Schmidt
Sarah Pym
Vinuki Rowel
Emily Thompson
Emma Wall
Jessica Whiting
Sachi Wilson
Kayla Wong
Katherine Zambelli
Angela Zhang
Wendy Zhao
CAPTAINS OF CULTURAL ACTIVITIES Front row: Nanda Soe, Alexandra Laherty, Mr Andrew Pennay, Clare Gordon, Claire Fidler Back row: Chloe Fleming, Grace Teng, Natalie DiMichele, Olivia Dalton, Tiffany Davison
STUDENT COUNCIL Front row: Helena Gandhi, Jessica Hanh, Mrs Emma Lowry, Annabel Ryan, Mrs Anna Owen, Harper McIlroy, Mrs Anne Ingram, Charlotte Mitchell, Amrutha Murali Second row: Catherine McLeod, Grace Fischer, Ranee Chu, Madeleine Ryals, Chelsea Collins, Camille Levy, Shivali Raj, Lena Jorgensen Back row: Helena Ruddell, Madison Irving, Greta Hopsick, Albertine Cooke, Gemma Sherington, Isabella Strachan, Clare Gordon, Alexandra Ball, Alice Cavdarski
CAPTAINS OF SPORT Front row: Harriet Reinhold, Amity Jackson, Sevella Agnew, Albertine Cooke, Ms Jo Duffy, Charlotte Mitchell, Zoe Phillips, Erin Christmas, Grace Choo Second row: Rebecca Jak, Sammi Ting, Laura Macbeth, Samantha Dash, Laura Field, Rebecca Kitson, Abby Knights, Christina Chan, Jessica Whiting, Zoe Clayden-Zabik Third row: Imogen Ross, Yvette Hines, Lauren Hastie, Annabelle Hinchey, Inez Ormrod, Lily Whitaker, Lily Choma, Phoebe Griffin, Lynette Wong Back row: Alexandra Muratidis, Jasmin Riksen, Malorie Jackson, Hannah Ralph, Eliza King, Aimee Boulton, Georgia White, Makenzie Durbridge, Emma Stacey
SERVICE CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES LEADERS Front row: Louise Seet, Ms Anna Flourentzou, Asha Varghese, Mrs Sharon Anderson, Shivali Raj, Mrs Lynne Mungomery, Helena Gandhi, Ms Suzanne Peck, Ella Ng, Ms Romy Fritz, Elisabth Chua Second row: Mrs Alison Carmichael, Alicia Harasty, Christina Chan, Mrs Kristine Cooke, Phoebe Rutherford, Mia Sundin, Charlotte Picker, Scarlett McLellan, Anna Angelos, Mrs Paula Quinn, Mrs Izabela Minuzzo, Mrs Christine Woodford Third row: Sachi Wilson, Emily Stock, Mrs Susan Miles, Dr Rashna Taraporewalla, Olivia Dalton, Gemma Sherington, Mr Shane Skillen, Molly Tjelder, Ms Rachael Christopherson, Lauren Hastie, Mrs Violet Ross, Dr Ann Farley Fourth row: Alexandra Ball, Ms Prue Morgan, Lynette Wong, Ms Kara Coughlan, Ms Sarah Frew, Ms Kathyrn Talbot, Ms Adele Cummings, Ms Ruth Jans, Caitlin McGrath, Ms Abby Hills, Lana Trout, Louise Rainbird Back row: Mrs Malgorzata Golawska-Loye, Isabella Hindman, Ms Gerri Bernard, Mr Stephen Woods, Emma Schmidley, Kiara Lockyer, Mr Gideon Huppert, Rebecca Hayley, Grace Reed, Mrs Louise Lockyer, Ms Meghan Parry, Jessica Siong
BI-GRAMMAR Undoubtedly, one of the most anticipated events in the Year 12 calendar is Bi-Grammar, the three-part competition between the senior cohorts of Brisbane Girls Grammar School and Brisbane Grammar School. The 2018 competition commenced in Term 2, with the Year 12 cohort competing in the Touch Football competition. Our three teams of six rotated on and off the field as a sea of blue lined the sideline and other year-levels watched on from the lower levels of C Block. Despite placing second, the spirit of the girls on and off the field was a win in our books. Not accepting defeat, the girls were on the hunt for revenge in Term 3. With a landslide victory in pre-game antics in the form of an inspirational video, Girls Grammar was already one step ahead for the looming netball game. The girls stepped on the court looking sharp and ready for battle. Unsurprisingly, the boys from next door suffered a devastating 7 – 1 loss. Despite their questionable judgement of the meaning of ‘contact’ and choice of morph suits, we thank Brisbane Grammar School for their efforts on the day. FOUNDATION DAY On Wednesday 7 March 2018, Brisbane Girls Grammar School held its annual Foundation Day Assembly, celebrating 143 years since the School’s foundation in 1875. In her at address at Assembly, Principal, Ms Euler, reflected on the beginnings of the School and Sir Charles Lilley’s extraordinary vision to conceive a radical ‘experiment’, providing girls with the same educational opportunities as boys. Following Assembly, each House celebrated the School’s birthday with traditional blue and white cake. The Principal and 2018 Head Girls led the celebrations with a cake-cutting ceremony outside the Main Building. Helena Gandhi (12O) and Catherine McLeod (12E)
In Term 4, there was the tie-breaking Spelling Bee. After a round of preliminaries, Girls Grammar’s best spellers took on their equivalents at Brisbane Grammar School. Despite the girls’ best efforts, a few contentious decisions saw Brisbane Grammar School prevail, winning the Bi-Grammar 2018 title. Greta Hopsick (12B) and Shivali Raj (12G)
In March, the Libellum Society hosted BOOKS2DEVOUR, and students brought in a book-themed cake to display in the library. This year was a huge hit with more than 50 entries, based on book titles such as The Handmaid’s Tale, The Lorax, Peter Rabbit, Sailor Moon and Shaun the Sheep . The additional book-themed cupcake stall raised $300 for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. Scarlett McLellan (8H) and Charlotte Picker (9M)
MINDFULNESS Mindfulness is generally described as ‘paying attention’ purposely, in a focused manner, in the present moment with an attitude of non-judgement. It may involve structured activities such as noticing breathing, moving with intention, sitting quietly or simply being more aware of day-to-day activities that we often do on autopilot. The School is in the third year of delivering the .b program to Year 8 students, which originated in the United Kingdom and designed by the Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) with research links to Cambridge, Oxford and Exeter Universities. This year, a team of teachers including Mr Pincott, Dr Taraporwalla and Ms Jones attended Year Level Assemblies and Roll Calls to deliver activities which support and enhance the School’s Ethics Program. Mr Pincott regularly begins Head of House and Academic Director meetings with a mindfulness activity to bring focus and clarity at the start of their sessions. Other members of staff have undergone training or are in the process of training as .b teachers, including Mr Huppert and Ms O’Sullivan. Many students embraced the practices taught in the .b program and have given us feedback of their experiences: ‘ … the breathing technique using my fingers has really helped. When I was trying out to be in the drama production I was really nervous and slowed my breathing down using the .b program technique.’ [Year 7 student] The inclusion of Mindfulness in Girls Grammar’s pastoral program gives students skills to deal with the ebb and flow of our busy School community—whether it be Year 12 students sitting quietly before the QCS test to focus, Year 8 rowing and debating students calming themselves before competition or students simply sitting and reflecting on what is going well for them across
their day at School. Mr Donald Pincott HEAD OF VISUAL ART
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY International Women’s Day is held annually on 8 March to celebrate women’s achievements throughout history and across nations. It is a day when women are recognised for their achievements and builds support for women’s rights and participation in the political and economic arenas. To celebrate International Women’s Day 2018, students and staff reflected on what this year’s theme, #PressforProgress, meant to them. Brisbane Girls Grammar School senior musicians also performed in concert, showcasing music from some of Australia’s best female composers to honour International Women’s Day.
WHITE BLOUSE DAY White Blouse Day 2018 raised awareness for the need for better diagnosis and treatment methods of gynaecological cancers. At Assembly, students were invited to take off their tie to show support for families managing these diseases and during lunch students made white origami blouses. Tung-Hi Ma (7H) led the origami demonstrations and House Prefects and House Service Captains conducted workshops and discussions in House Group time leading up to the day. Thoughtful messages were added to their artwork before the blouses were added to a mural in the shape of a large white blouse. On White Blouse Day, the School acknowledges the work of the Cherish Women’s Cancer Foundation whose primary goal is to find and fund clinical research for treatments for gynaecological cancer patients that can be developed and implemented quickly.
One of the most anticipated events in the Brisbane Girls Grammar School calendar is the annual Open Day event. Open Day 2018 was an opportunity for prospective parents and students to immerse themselves within the Grammar community. With individual House stalls, sports, arts and service demonstrations, as well as opportunities to tour the campus and explore the diverse range of classroom opportunities, Open Day allows the School to open its gates to the wider community. In 2018, the Year 12 cohort initiated a change to make a positive impact to the environment. Having already introduced bamboo plates and utensils as sustainable substitutes to plastic, the seniors furthered this movement by deciding to eliminate the toxic waste created by the traditional Open Day balloons.
The spirited atmosphere usually created by the balloons was far from lost, creating our own tradition this year, lining the gates with royal blue ribbons—a direct symbol of the Grammar girl, welcoming our guests upon entry. As the class of 2018, we hope this change will be taken with great enthusiasm and creativity in the years to come. The success of Open Day 2018 is thanks to the students, teachers and professional staff for aiding in the beautiful transformation of our School. As seniors, our last Open Day as Grammar girls was one to remember. Albertine Cooke (12O) and Gemma Sherington (12M)
In Term 2, Blue Day entailed a ‘Bluesfest’ theme. Girls channelled their inner festival vibe, donning blue glitter and fun buns. The festival vibes continued at lunchtime when girls filled the dance floor. The Year 12 girls led the way, encouraging students to express their individuality through their dance moves. In line with the Sports Motto, ‘G-Up’, Cross Country runners were joined by the whole School to complete a war-cry, increasing the team’s morale. Following a long-standing tradition, in Term 3, girls decked out in denim jackets, jeans, skirts, and overalls for the third Blue Day. The day provided an opportunity for the girls to support and encourage the School’s gymnasts and rowers. The dance floor came alive with girls from all year levels supporting the final season fixtures of the year. As one of the three pillars of the 2018 School Motto—Pride, Individuality and Empowerment, the theme allowed girls to reflect on their achievements and abilities and appreciate the diversity of the Girls Grammar Community. Each Blue Day provided an opportunity to raise funds for the School charities, The Malala Fund and The Smith Family. Two unique badges were made for each Blue Day, designed by talented Girls Grammar artists, proving a huge hit for students and teachers alike. Sally Finch (12H) and Camille Levy (12L)
This year, the buzz and excitement surrounding Blue Days spread beyond the School grounds, reaching the competition pool, track, courts and fields. Each term, a Blue Day with a unique theme was held to celebrate and encourage the School’s athletes before their respective QGSSSA events. The first theme of the year was ‘Blue Hawaii’, which saw the School come alive in a sea of blue. Girls dressed up in an array of Hawaiian-inspired outfits and a wave of blue decorations filled the senior tables. The ocean setting was fitting as we were sending off our QGSSSA Swimming competitors for a successful evening of racing. The Year 7 students experienced their first taste of the blue spirit and the Grammar sisterhood.
The Father and Daughter Dinner provided an opportunity to meet other members of the School community, including new families commencing at Girls Grammar in 2019. Guests enjoyed musical performances by the Winners of the Gillies Vocal Ensemble Competition and String Quartet, and a crowd favourite was the debate between fathers and daughters.
Despite the wit and humour on display from the father’s team, the affirmative team of Alexandra Ball (12R), Chloe Fleming (12R) and Edith Rodda (12R) secured the win arguing ‘Dad knows best’. Overall, the evening was a wonderful celebration of fathers’ commitment to their daughters' education and the work of the Fathers Group to support the School’s various activities.
At the end of Term 2, my mother and I shared our Grammar experience with current and future mothers and daughters at the annual Mother and Daughter Dinner. Being a former Grammar girl herself, my mother and my family have a deep connection with the School, starting with my grandmother. Throughout the night, we laughed over my mum’s reminiscence of her time at the School, comparing our Grammar journeys and the amazing opportunities on offer at Girls Grammar. We tried our best to advise those joining the Girls Grammar community next year, guiding them to enjoy every opportunity on offer at the School. My mum says she is proud of me but with everything she is to me—my tea-brewer, proof-reader, Uber driver and more, I do not think I could survive without her. It was a beautiful night and thank you to the Mothers Group for their efforts. As those who attended will know, whatever your story, whatever your journey, embrace it, enjoy it and be proud to be a Grammar sister. Matina Samios (10W)
Pink Stumps Day was again a highlight of the Cricket season. The School community showed their support by wearing pink ribbons and raising funds for the McGrath Foundation. A vast number of supporters enjoyed a delicious afternoon tea as they watched the inaugural All Stars match at Rangakarra, a gripping game between current and past open players, including Australian cricketer Kirby Short (2003). Thank you to everyone who contributed to the day, together we raised $947.90 for the McGrath Foundation. This donation will assist in providing breast care nurses to Australian communities and increase awareness of the disease. Grace Choo (12M) and Hannah Ralph (12M) CAPTAINS
Year 10 and Year 12 Debating teams battled it out on Wednesday lunchtime to see if we should ‘ban the bachelor’, while Grammar Dance offered an open rehearsal. The Senior String Quartet graced Wednesday and Thursday morning tea with impressive performances and were joined by other members of the Instrumental Music program for their Thursday evening concert. Friday brought with it a performance by the Bartok Strings ensemble, and the technology department invited girls to try laser cutting in an earring-making Design Lab. Two limited edition Arts Fest badges were sold, with proceeds donated to the Access Arts Foundation for aspiring artists with disabilities. The big finale, ‘Slam and Jam’, was an arresting showcase of slam poetry and busking performances delivered to an exultant crowd sprawled across the dance floor alongside armchairs, blankets, and a rainbow neon sign. Finally, the Senior Drama Production cast stole the show with their haunting performance of Rhinoceros on Thursday, Friday and Saturday night, premiering to a sold-out audience and closing their final show to a standing ovation. We saw countless moments of sincere connection between artists and their audiences, from a group of girls stopping on their way to the School Caf´e to bust out power ABBA ballads alongside the String Quartet, to ‘Slam and Jam’ and being overwhelmed by how many people turned up to support their artsy Grammar sisters. With glowing feedback from staff and students alike, we can proudly say that the 2018 Arts Fest was everything we hoped it would be and more. Almost six months later, it remains an indelible highlight of our last year at the School. Girls, your passion for the Arts and warmth towards each other throughout the week perfectly encapsulated what we asked of you with our Arts motto this year. We cannot express how much your support for Arts Fest meant to us except by telling you one more time, thank you for treating us to this art to art. Clare Gordon (12E) and Alexandra Laherty (12M) ARTS CAPTAINS
Arts Fest, a celebration of all things creative in Brisbane Girls Grammar School Arts community, illuminated the Cherrell Hirst Creative Learning Centre with colour, sound and electric energy for one incredible week in Term 2. Our Arts motto, ‘art to art’, captured our hope that The Arts this year would be defined by heart to heart connections and conversations between girls with different understandings and experiences with The Arts.
Abiding by this motto, we set out to make 2018 Arts Fest a festival to which each and every girl could somehow connect. We hoped to compile a lineup that provided for the diversity of artists in the School, as well as their audiences’ interests. Thanks to the dedication of the incredible Arts students and teachers, especially Director of Creative Arts, Mr Pennay, we were able to see this vision come to life. The jam-packed schedule brought events from every facet of the School’s Arts Faculty. Led by Mr Cavanaugh, Percussion Ensemble 1 started the week off on the dance floor at lunchtime on Monday. Tuesday saw Ashleigh MacDonald (12H) and Isabella Lyons (11H) showcase their original songwriting, Year 11 Drama girls’ physical theatre pieces, an Art workshop, fresco carving with Mr Pincott and the Upper Intermediate Strings Festival concert after school.
HOSTING A GERMAN STUDENT In August this year, I hosted Ce´line Bischoff, a German exchange student from Maria-Wächtler School in Essen, Germany. Ce´line stayed with me for three weeks. In that time, I was able to show her around Brisbane, welcome her into my family, allow her to experience Queensland’s culture and help develop her English skills.
In Term 3, Japanese student, Hiyori Yasui from Seirinkan School, stayed with my family for three weeks. Hiyori and I instantly became best friends. I tried to implement the language I had learned in Japanese in our conversations, however, Hiyori spoke near-perfect English, so communication was very easy. While she was in Australia, Hiyori experienced two birthday parties, one for my friend and the other for my older sister. It was a good opportunity to meet and interact with my family and friends and experience how we celebrate birthdays in Australia. We also took Hiyori to Mount Coot-tha and Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. She was afraid of the kangaroos at first but soon enjoyed their company when we fed them together. Although she has now left, Hiyori and I still remain in contact. Since we reply in each other's languages, it is convenient to practice my Japanese skills. I hope we will continue this friendship for a very long time. Arwen Dias-Jayasinha (10G)
In addition to sharing classes, we visited Noosa and Mount Cordeaux and also attended the Ekka. Ce´line’s enthusiasm to experience and learn as much as possible while in Australia was a mindset that stuck with me even after she returned home. I embraced this mindset when arriving in Germany in September. Being able to meet with Ce´line in Cologne and again in Berlin, where I met her family for the first time, was an experience I will never forget. A highlight of the exchange program was realising there was a second home prepared to welcome me on the other side of the world, and always will be, for as long as our friendship
continues to grow. Grace Crilly (10E)
BUILDING CONNECTIONS: 30 YEARS AND BEYOND This year, Girls Grammar celebrated 30 years of the International Affiliate Schools Program between the School and Mie High School in Matsusaka City, Japan. This year, we welcomed the owner of Mie High School, Mr Umemura, for a short visit to celebrate our ongoing relationship. Reflecting on a 30-year history, we celebrated tradition and change. Technology has been a welcome change that has made the organisation of exchanges much easier and faster, providing more opportunities for connection. This year our Japanese guests experienced an Australian school setting, connected with host families and participated in a number of excursions, including whale-watching off the Gold Coast and a trip to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. They attended classes at Girls Grammar, shadowed their billets, lived in new households, improved their English and learned to use it in authentic contexts in our city.
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