2016 School Magazine

YEAR 7 MATHS I have learnt that maths is an important asset to our world. My parents are very good at maths, but I certainly don’t find it easy. I always got Cs for maths in primary school. Now I’m improving to Bs and soon to As. Comparing maths this year in high school, the difficulty level is way off the charts from when I learnt maths in primary school. I learnt new things like algebraic expressions, integers, and new ways of solving problems involving fractions. Sometimes it was hard to take in all the information, but the teachers had awesome techniques which helped me to understand maths better. I think this is the first year I have ever liked maths! YEAR 8 MATHS Throughout the maths curriculum in Year 8, I have really embraced the new topics and strategies involved, in order to improve my mathematics capabilities. One of my favourite moments during maths is when you try really hard to comprehend or solve and finally get it right. I have learnt so much this year and cannot wait to learn more and further develop my problem-solving and mathematical reasoning abilities in future years. LUCIA DANN (7B)

YEAR 9 MATHS This year in Maths we have learnt a lot of new concepts and problem-solving strategies. One of my favourite things to learn about has been trigonometry, because I have never done anything like it before and it has been fun getting to use the new functions on our calculators. Also, because I am now in Year 9, this year I was given the chance to take part in Mathapatta, which I found extremely enjoyable.



Exponentials, Hyperbolas, Statistics and Surds – all new and interesting topics which have been uncovered in the Year 10 maths programme. This year, maths has been made engaging, enjoyable and entertaining. The balance between theoretical and practical applications has made all units exciting for every student. The challenging, yet rewarding, concepts taught have set us on our way for our journey into senior maths. We have also been introduced to a variety of programmes including Geogebra, Hotmaths, Excel and Graphics Calculators to assist with our learning. Overall, Year 10 maths has been a positive experience and we are all eager to continue our maths studies in the future.




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