2015 School Magazine
MACKAY MARVELLOUS MACKAY EMMA COCKBURN AND MADELEINE CATSOULIS HOUSE CAPTAINS Mackay House is a cohesive group of unique and loving girls who have all spread their wings to become a beautiful team of Mackay Angels. As a house, Mackay focuses on integration between all year levels, and appreciation of one another’s different abilities and talents. This year in Mackay we welcomed two new cohorts and aimed to make the girls feel included and comfortable enough to participate whole heartedly in all house events. Our 2015 house charities were particularly special to us as we decided to raise funds to honour our beloved friend and fellow Mackay Angel, Swetha Chadalavada, who passed away last year. We dedicated all funds raised to the Heart Foundation and the Mater Children hospital. Our Mackay Cupcake Stall on Open Day raised an amazing $1 350 and various other Mackay fundraising efforts also proved very successful.
During house assemblies we endeavored to brighten the girls’ mornings with games, music, insightful speeches and some well-received chocolates and lollies! We were excited to set, what we hope will become, a new tradition called ‘Mackay Snaps’ where girls’ names were selected at random to receive a small token of our appreciation for them. This year we aimed to generate maximum house spirit and this was achieved by each angel who shone brightly as they swam, ran and jumped their way to the finishing line. Although, as House Captains, we strive to ensure a focus on togetherness and participation rather than winning, we felt extremely proud of the efforts the girls put into all house events, and the excellent outcomes we achieved. We are so proud and humbled to have led such an amazing group of girls who deeply care for, and respect, one and other. Sad as we are to leave, we know that, as the Mackay Seniors of 2015 fly away from BGGS into an undoubtedly bright future, we will all always be Mackay Angels at heart.
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