2015 School Magazine
WOWWOMEN’S EVENT ZOE SKOIEN (10L) WOW (Women of the World) is a ‘global force supporting women’ that looks at the lives of strong women from all over the world. For three days in Brisbane, at the Queensland University of Technology, keynotes and performances were held that investigated important topics for women. On 19 June, nineteen students from Year 10, who were previous House Group Captains, attended the Women of the World Festival. We went to the Feminism 101 session, which explored the issues of gender stereotypes, the Welcome, the School Debate, where six of our students — Isabel Nolan (10B), Grace Mitchell (10R), Lucinda Duke (10H), Ayesha Kumar (10G), Abirami Somasundaram (10M) and Abigail Ashford (10R) — debated against each other, and many of us sat in on the Play Like a Girl panel, a panel of four women who revolutionised and continue to revolutionise women’s sport. Overall, I enjoyed the day greatly, and all the women who spoke were very inspiring. We, as BGGS students, are very fortunate to have a supportive community who celebrates the achievements of women. I believe the most important thing I have learnt from attending the WOW event is that women are capable of amazing things, and society’s views on gender roles should not stop us. Many thanks go to Ms Euler for allowing us to go, and Miss Johnson and Miss Cameron for attending the event with us.
My involvement as an O’Connor Service Leader, Second Chance Treasurer and United Nations Youth Club Captain has taught me that teamwork and commitment are the qualities that produce a good leader. Great commitment at Girls Grammar is exhibited by O’Connor’s fifteen-year loyalty to the Timor Children’s Foundation, acknowledged in the Foundation’s editorial. Similarly, teamwork and communication are essential as we student leaders interact with teachers, students, volunteers, the homeless and charity founders. Furthermore, to be a leader you must be patient, creative, persistent, enthusiastic, well-mannered and a good role model. Thank you BGGS for giving me this leadership opportunity; a valuable asset to my future. JOANNA JOHN (11O)
The service community at this school has opened my eyes to the endless opportunities to give back to the School and my community, in turn giving me extremely rewarding experiences both in service and leadership. As part of the Service Crew and as Griffith House Service Leader, I have the opportunity to encourage younger grades to be involved in these gratifying acts. Partaking in various voluntary works made me feel brighter, knowing that I have touched so many hearts and given so many people a hand. Furthermore, it has allowed me to grow personally. This is why I have been encouraging more girls in my house to be involved and understand and experience this important commitment. Some of the volunteer work that I have done includes making sandwiches for ECB and selling ANZAC badges in the city. In addition, I am a member of Kirsten Jack Memorial Leukaemia Committee and have been assisting at a local special school for kids with disabilities as well as playing with orphans at an orphanage in Taiwan. I am very proud to be involved in these commitments as it reminds me of the importance of helping one another. Service will definitely be a part of my life after I graduate. Furthermore, my leadership position in service will always be with me as I continue to encourage others to participate in this rewarding, enjoyable and
worthwhile experience. MIA MAROUKA (11R)
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