2015 School Magazine


As three of my Girls Grammar sisters and I embarked on the Oxbridge New York College Experience (NYCE), little did we know we would return a month later from the best month of our lives. NYCE took learning, growth and fun to a whole new level with every day bringing a plethora of things to see, do and try. Individuals would participate in organised activities such as visiting the Top of the Rock, Brooklyn Bridge or Central Park and return with close friends from several countries.

The diversity of 168 students from thirty-six countries, including Pakistan, Czech Republic and South Africa, created a huge variety of personality and opinion during class discussions and dinner meals as we shared our lives with one another. Studying International Business: Wall St and the World as my major allowed me to learn about the business world from my fellow classmates and visit the CEOs of large Wall Street firms such as Citibank and VTB Capital. This enriching experience was nothing short of amazing and I have created contacts in places I once only dreamt of. I now know what I want to do when I leave BGGS; a statement most sixteen-year-olds are not able to make and I cannot wait to apply my learning and new found cultural understanding to the Girls Grammar classroom.



On 7 April, seventeen Grammar girls, both art and non-art students, headed off to Alice Springs for a life-changing art experience. Over seven days, we visited places such as Ellery Creek water hole, Stanley chasm, the Valley of the Winds and of course, Uluru. The experience of sitting in nature with the desert surrounding you while painting your own version of the landscape was truly an amazing experience. Each day we would tackle the new landscape with a new

media, including watercolours, lino prints, etching, gauche, bangle painting, and ink and pen drawings. It was wonderful seeing each girl’s unique style, and throughout the trip, we would learn from each other and try out new techniques and methods to add a different taste to our artworks. During the trip, we also visited Indigenous art galleries and the artworks helped us understood the landscape in further depth.

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