2014 School Magazine
PHYSICS DEPARTMENT – YEAR 11 AND 12 SIMJET FLIGHT SIMULATOR ANNA RAFTERY (12O) AND CLAIRE ULRICH (12L) On 1 April, we were lucky to experience the Royal Australian Air Force’s (RAAF) F/A-18 Flight Simulator. We suited up and learnt the basics about controls and navigation for the aircraft. The simulator involved four people: two pilots and two air combat officers who versed each other. The competition required clear team communication to locate the enemy plane, fire and avoid missiles. We got to test out these challenging and dynamic roles in a safe and enjoyable environment. We would like to thank the RAAF for bringing this exciting experience to our School. ■
SCIENCE21 We have loved the energising year of Year 11 Science21! Excitement hit us like a rush of caffeine when experimenting on Daphnia; it was so fun our hearts almost stopped in the process. We avoided academic meltdown by thoroughly learning about the use of nuclear power. Our brains experienced explosions of knowledge during this unit and we came to the conclusion that we are ‘fans’ of using wind power when researching about alternative energy resources. We then floated stream-lessly into our experimental investigation about water quality, taking care not to ‘catch’ conclusions too quickly. Another highlight was the presentation and activities organised by Bechtel Australia. We learnt about water usage on a global level and the responsibilities a country like Australia has to developing countries. Overall, Science21 has been a rush of explosive energy as we coped with the step up to Year 11, but hey, it’s in our genes. YEAR 11 SCIENCE21 CLASS (11.1)
Our Year 12 Science21 class is the reason we get out of bed in the morning. We have had a killer of a time in our final year of Science21. In first term we studied Forensics, which was so much fun we could have died. Our hunger for knowledge was sated with no added saturated fat in the Nutrition unit in Term II. We accelerated into Term III, learning about the fun-damentals of Physics, taking examples from our Dreamworld excursion. Needless to say it was a thrilling year full of stimulating information. YEAR 12 SCIENCE21 CLASS (12.1)
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