2014 School Magazine

YEAR 10 MARRAPATTA For the Year 10 camping experience, Marrapatta offered the cohort a selection between three different journeys: bike riding, canoeing and balance. With the first two options being more focused on physical tasks, I selected to take part in the journey of ‘balance’ which would explore, both physically and mentally, inspiring challenges. Throughout the week we trekked through bushland, climbed up mountains and kayaked through creeks, which was balanced with time to sit, think and appreciate the world around us by connecting through yoga and reflecting from a personal journal. This experience helped me understand myself better and what I want to achieve in life. It tested my boundaries, giving me that extra push and provided me with the opportunity to work with others and bond throughout the week. It was a truly beneficial, fun and extraordinary week full of surprises, obstacles and memories that all the girls will cherish. MONDI MILENKOVIC (10O) The Year 10 programme this year has been by far my favourite. It was an extremely rewarding and enjoyable experience where I made so many wonderful memories. The Noosa trails expedition was challenging at times but everyone was very supportive of each other and we worked well as a team. While going up the hills I didn’t think I would make it, however when we did, it just made going downhill even better. One of my many highlights was walking up Mt Cooroora. It provided a good break from our bikes and I loved looking at the view because we could see where we had ridden. As the last curriculum programme it certainly did not disappoint. PHOEBE HENDERSON (10O)

CAMP SENIORS As a Camp Senior our task was to be a role model for the Year 8s and help them when needed, to make their overall time at camp fun and memorable. Some of the responsibilities we had as a Camp Senior were running a station for team challenge day, organising an activities night and mainly just helping when needed. It was a really fun week that offered the perfect chance at a leadership opportunity, as we were able to use initiative and demonstrate skills required for good role models. This opportunity also provided a great chance to get to know the Year 8s and bond with them. GABRIELLE CALLANDER (11M)


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