2013 School Magazine


Today we attended the joint weddings of Mr John Worthii19 and Miss Gwei\doleit Fairfax. aliti Mr A1gei'lion Moilci'left alld Miss Cecily Cardew Cecily invited oLii' witole family to IQspect itei' long lost fileitdshij> witli A1fred Howevei' Ajiie refLised to at tencl I tileci to conv him. but he Is too 111 love witl\ ite I thiitk Allcl tills Inakes 1.1e aLiestioi\ w Tether the 11' friendship r whethei' tile caLise was sol ethii19 cieepei' alld 115hed with 1.10re lieai'lielt Whatevei' tile case I 11tust be a good sister to Altie alld Iespect his decisions And he clid want Lis to attend the wedding withoLit 1.1m. so we all cliessecl Lip 111 0Lir finest frocks and took a dog-cart to Gel'vase Pal'k Luckily o11e of lily fathers friends 15 a clog-cart driver. otherwise we would have walked Heniy. Mothei. Father and I arrived at Gervase Park at twelve p in on tile dot These Lipper class events ale vei'y ordeily aliti foi'mai 11 we wei'e late I tillnk A1gei'1.0n's aunt would it ave thrown Lis oLit' I IJelieve her nailIQ was AugLista or somethiitg similar to that EijiTel' way. this AugLista was absolutely 1101/1ble She was so strict and cleittandii19 aboLit evei'y aspect of the weddiitg She illspected evei'yoite as they walked jilto the cei'QinoiTV she gave disappi'oviitg looks to allyone Lindei'dressed. IDLit the woi'st thiiig she clicl was make lists of evei'y wealthy bachelor lit the town! Everyone was slightly clisgListecl by he I disi'egarcl for Lis working classes I 1.1ean. it 15 not as IhoLigh we have itever QiiCoui'itei'ec1 '01/1poLi> Lipj, ei Lla>> citi7ei\s I, Lit tills lady was I, y ^61' tile wci'st of the 111 alll Once the cei'eittony I, egait. site calmecl clown thoLiglt 11 was a lovely event Cecily allcl Miss Fallfax \voie the 1110st 9019eoLis gowns I it ave evei' seen! Altd the 9100/1/5 lookeci vei'y it andsome. even 419eiiioit I 111.5t admit Dr Chasuble conducted tile cei'eittony ai d after the wedding the couples headed newhere Linknowi\ while tile rest of the at telldees went to the Castle 11/11 foi' a sittall SLIPpei While the we'd 11.9 lei\11ndecl me of lily own ti'a, IC eloj>eitleitt I feel as thougl\ I alit I'ecovei'11.9 lather well I chilik Heni'y's letLii'11 it's helped At tel' the small SLIPpei. we Tetui'ited 1101/1e I wellt st!'eight to 1.1y loom. I, Lit I COLIldi\'t lielj, notice Ajiie's 1.1ufflecl sobs as he clied jilto ills 1,1110w


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