2013 School Magazine
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The stories In this section were created by students of 9.11 English Girls created their own character who lived in the village of Chiddingstone-on-Thames in Victorian England. As that character. they created accounts of 'interactions' with characters from Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Belhg Earnest. They also created stories written in their characters' voices from stimulus quotations. Excerpts from these stories are featured, with the complete stories available at the Magazine website https:/magazine. bggs. qld. edu. au
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Dear Diary. Today I attended the weddings of my
dear friend MISS Cecily Cardew and Mr. A1gernon Moncrieff and Miss GWendolen Fairfax and Mr Earnest Worthing who was formerly John which is a whole other story in itself! But that is beside the point. Today's celebrations were fantastic. I could not help but maintain an excessively happy smile the whole length of the proceedings! it was just so spectacularly beautiful So much love In the air. The guests looked so grand. The men looked so handsome. And when the two brides walked down the petal coated aisle all of the guests just stopped and gasped They moved gracefully. past the Duke of Eddington, past Lady Cornwell. From head to toe they were embraced by an elegant WISP of white floral material fading off into a tell that pranced in the morning breeze. After the vows had been said the celebrations shifted to the grounds In Gervase Park. A stunning arrangement of flowers and shining CIOches sat upon pristine white tablecloths that stretched across a spread of tables under the autumn elms. Sitting down to eat. I could see the faces of all the guests. Why! All of Chiddingstone must have been there! I joined the buzz of happy conversation, reflecting on the ceremony's events. Suddenly a flurry of waiters swung about the tables sweeping off the CIOches. uncovering the delicious goods within. All at once the aromas of the morning banquet erupted from the plate. There was tea and eggs, and even the most exquisite apple crumble. Gradually the food began to disappear. which gave way to a beautiful musical performance presented by a London ensemble that finished off the celebrations
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