2012 School Magazine
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Ted's weathered hands struggled to grip the pages of the newspaper as he turned to the Real Estate section The light above them flickered as he adjusted his glasses so that he could read the print more carefulty. This was his favourite Sunday ritual. despite not having been in the business for many years He shifted in his dark green armchair to fit the grooves scu!pted by his generous frame. The rhythmic tapping of Glares knitting needles was interrupted by an unusual silence. causing Ted to gtance up He had seen that same kind. wise expression many times - hand resting on creased cheek. eyebrows furrowed - when every evening she schemed up the dinner menu. But he hadn't seen it for that purpose in a while The kitchen bench now looked very chaotic. ctuttered with the pots he used for cooking the only me at he knew. pasta and tomato sauce. Clara hadn't been able to make dinner in a while since the night she tried to serve instant lasagna without cooking it But reassuringty for Ted, Clara's Alzheimer's could still be classified as mild Every time she smiled at him he could clearly see the recognition in her eyes She knew who he was The corners of her mouth crinkled little by little as she chirped that she was off to make some tea Clara's legs protested as she stood up out of the faded pink armchair. Ted beamed as he watched her walk away in one blue and one green sock. Cupboard doors thumped. mugs clinked. water ran and the kettle began to sing as she prepared their tea. one of the remaining tasks she could still accomplish on her own. The kettles song rose an octave. signifying its grand finale Suddenly the note became a piercing scream from sitting on the burning flame far too torig. The hair on the back of'Ted's neck stood on end. Something wasn't right. The newspaper crumpled as it was thrown to the floor and a groan escaped Ted lips as he raced round the corner to the kitchen His head frantically turning side to side. Ted searched the kitchen. The pantry door lay wide open. one of her greatest bug bears. Teabags sat lazily over the rim of the mismatched mugs beside the stove A lonely absence filled the kitchen where Clara's warmth should have been involuntarily. he recoiled away from the insistent blue kettle blasting Its ear-piercing squeat into his hearing aid as he rushed to turn the flame off. Clara was not in the kitchen. Where could she be? Ted's heart began to pound as 11 he was running a mite. His eyes widened as he realised that Clara was having another episode Last time he found her In the laundry trying to place the Iron Inside the dryer because she thought that's where 11 belonged Ted had caught hold of her shoulders and turned her around That time the shock of recognition had snapped her back to reality. His neck had ached as he tried to stay still and strong and not reveal his hurt. That was the fifth time it had happened, but 11 was only one week ago He tried to avoid thinking about her worsening condition
Panic engutfed him as he realised the urgent need to find her in order to protect her from harm Ted wiped his hands on the back of his pants to rub off the nervous sweat on his palms. Ignoring the pain of his joints as they moved faster than they had in years, he frantically searched the corridor outside the kitchen Opening the door. he saw that she wasn't un the taundry. He could only see the abandoned mound of unfolded clothes sitting on the laminate bench top She was not in the study where the computer sat gathering dust under the paint-sealed window Ted checked the family bathroom. she was not there She was not in their sons old room where tattered posters of the universe stitt hung on the watt. shed never had the heart to take them down His legs burned as he rushed up the stairs to their bedroom. His eyes scanned the room to find the ensuite door shut His breath heaved as his legs. much slower now. carried him across the room. There was a tiny chime as one of his stIPPers kicked a sinatt shiny object Ted's face fett as his fingers brushed the dull cream carpet and picked up the sinatt ring. She had never taken It off in 51 years' The words still shone as cteanly and brightly as the day he had them engraved. Ted & Clara. Forever His breath quickened and his hand began to shake With one fist clenched tightly around the ring. the other pushed the door slowly open Her head turned sharply away from the mirror Her faded blue eyes. glossy with tears. stared unregistering Clara backed away until her shoes thudded and her frail frame bounced against the wall Anxiety squeezed Ted's chest white his slippers shuffled towards Clara Still holding her ring tightly in his left fist. his right hand drifted gingerly towards Ctare's fingers sptayed tensety on the counter Before he could comfort her. Clara's hand recoiled as 11 she had been burnt Her hands Instantly crossed over her body. clutching her shoulders like a child shying away from danger Ted's outstretched hand felt he ary with rejection as 11 moved to shield his heart. But It was not enough. The crushing weight of despair knocked the wind from his chest as he looked into Clara's unregistering eyes. wide with fear. The silence was broken by the tinkle of gold on the tiled floor as Ted's shoulders slumped and his fingers uricurted around Clara s wedding ring Who are you?' Clara whimpered
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