2012 School Magazine

I^ fowli or Lit^




Philosophy of Learning has been a great experience for me. We learned how to write reflections and set goats. which has been a great help to my study. We also tearned that everyone can learn 11 they do it properly. We have been learning this for the whole year in Philosophy of Learning. Everything we have learned in this subject witt benefit me for the rest of my lite OLIVIA SUN 18Ml Philosophy of Learning has taught me how the brain works and how I can use it better to help get better results in school work I have achieved better marks since we started Philosophy of Learning This subject 15 very useful and you really need to pay attention to everything as everything 15 Important. Brainology Is also great as it hetps to teach you about your brain and it 15 really FUN! ISABELLA KASSMAN 18Rl

2012 has seen the Introduction of a new subject for the Year 8 girls - Philosophy of Learning. Designed to help students become more effective learners. the subject has focused on the girls' thinking and their practices We have used the work of Professor Carol Dweck from Stanford University to give the girls n-understanding of how their thinking-affects their capacity to learn well Those people who believe they can learn and improve by practice and application are more tIkely to embrace challenges and benefit as a result They are said to have a growth mindset. Being scared of failure and getting things wrong often Inhibits students' learning because they are tess tIkety to stretch themselves for fear of disappointment The most important idea in Philosophy of Learning 15 that everyone can learn. 11 is also important to understand that everyone falls. The girls have discussed the development of the resilience needed to cope with failure and how vital it 15 if they are going to learn wett. Using failure wett - that 15, using it to focus attention on what 15 needed - promotes good learning Setting goals is a very powerful way to improve learning practice This year in Philosophy of Learning the Year 8 students have been encouraged to set specific goals to assist them to learn Learning goals should guide behaviour. To set goals which do this requires deep thinking because it depends on students evaluating what they are currently doing The Year 8 girls have been terrific students in their Philosophy of Learning classes. They each have a 'tool kit' to take with them into Year 9 This kit contains all the essential ideas from the course and some hints on how to use them

that present a serious challenge. ifor me It's Maths and Sciencel but I have learned it 15 the approach you take towards your I learning that will be the greatest assistance to improved r sults The main benefit of this subject has been gaining an understanding of the importance of mindset in relation to study Before this year. I did not Philosojzjy of Learning has had ^ a major Impact on my approach ^^^ to learning. We all h ve subjects


understand that I could grow my intelligence. I thought everybody

was born with a fixed Intelligence and I thought there would lust be some subjects I would never grasp. However, Philosophy of Learning has changed my mindset. I can now say I believe I can grow and improve my Intett19ence. I am seeing evidence of this In my Maths and Science results Philosophy of Learning has provided me with increased confidence which will continue to help me throughout my schooling and academic career. it has changed my belief about what I can accomplish. I wish I could continue this subject throughout my future years at Brisbane Girls Grammar School as it 15 a unique opportunity with many benefits BRIGITTE O'BRIEN 18Mi


Photos courtesy of The Australian Photographer Lyndon Me chielsen

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