2012 School Magazine
We learned about greetings. food. numbers. people. family members and towns. We also got to dress up in traditional clothing. tasted Japanese food and watched Japanese movies ELIZABETH CHA1 18El, EMMA JEREMY 18Ei AND YOW-TSYR IANGELAi CHANG 18Ej
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Chict5i, :I This year. Year 9 Japanese has been gre We have learned so much. including the culture of Japanese school trips. (Un>5b\< 0 * C5) Overall though. magic paper was by far the favourite MADELEINE FARR 19Ml
Year 11 Japanese has been a whirlwind of knowledge so far in our senior languages experience. Throughout the year we have also covered a variety of new topics including health and fitness. exchanges in Japan and Japanese cultural holidays LiLLY GiBsoN-DouGALL 111Ri
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Studying Japanese is so different from English that it will make you re-think your most basic assumptions about the way language works. This year. I have enriched my knowledge of Japanese culture and vocabulary through many learning techniques CAITLiN HocKiNGs110wl
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Our Year 12 Japanese class. a tight group of only seven students, found respite from the pressures of being a Senior in another culture and language. Japan comes alive through this wonderful language and our discussions EMILY NORTON 112Ml
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