2012 School Magazine
11A^ ^ HMAll The Year 8 Arts Showcase Is held on the last Thursday evening of Semester I and as the title suggests. this is an occasion for the students to show the Brisbane Girls Grammar Community their work from their first semester as students of music. drama and visual art I^ I For the visual art students, their exhibition is built around the theme of food as art. a light-hearted look at artistic design and technique through the medium of food. This display. however. is really the backdrop to the more serious artistic practices that the students are now able to display for their friends and families Students in the drama cohort present their performances for an audience. They have now entered a world of stagecraft and an appreciation of direction and technical aspects The virtual choir 15 the culmination of the classroom music programme. Each class records their part In the choral work that is drawn from their theme of ancient voices. This year the recording was played and resonated in the atrium of the Creativ Learning Centre with accompanying film footage projected on the wall of level four Ms B MCKEAN, VISUAL ART TEACHER VIMI A" Before coming to Girls Grammar. my artistic skills were in the early stages of development. but even though I have only been part of one Semester of Art I have a eady grown my skills immensely I cannot wait to become en better as my art course progresses HOPE SNEDDON 1801
Seeing visual Art on my timetable 15 always one of the highlights of my day. As well as the teachers being vibranl. full of energy and inspiring. the assignments are fun and creati
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Through painting. drawing and photography. art allows me to creativety interpret my thoughts and ideas. I always look forward to going to Art because it takes my mind to another place where it can think Imaginativety ELizABETH cox 110Rj
Art 15 a way to express yourself in a practical manner unlike any other subject offered by the School It 15 an expressive way to combine your own raw human emotion and creativity through different types of media and art forms CASEY GOTHARD 111Wj
Five years of studying Visual Art has shown me how to think outside the box. The best thing about Art at Brisba Girls Grammar 15th at you aren I limited to traditional methods of painting and drawing; you're given complete freedom to pursue your own style and medium CHLOE MCGOVERN 112El
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