2012 School Magazine

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Motorsport medic and dermatologist Dr Karyn Lun proved an interesting and entertaining guest speaker whose talk appealed not only to the men but also the 91rts at the Father and Daughter dinner In August Dr Lun. a Brisbane Girls Grammar Old Girl. spoke about her career as a medic in the sport of V8 Racing. during the dinner at Victoria Park Golf Club The function was also attended by future Year 8 girls and their fathers who enjoyed a performance by the Year 11 Vocal Trio The girls had the chance to spend time with their friends and fathers. have photos taken. and mingle with the teachers and future Year 8 girls, showing them real Brisbane Girls Grammar spirit by finishing with a war cry Overall it was a great evening enjoyed by all. and was a lovely opportunity for the girls to enjoy a night out with their fathers CAITLIN ZIVCIC 112Bl





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