2012 School Magazine
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Whoever you are. wherever you may be. and whatever you may be doing. seek out the closest relaxing place. take a seat. and immerse yourself in the culture and life of Brisbane Girls Grammar School for 2012. Now. this is fantastic news because it means you can explore the Schools magnificent abode; meet a whole bunch of people who sing. write and compete; learn all about the Schools extensive programme of co- curricular experiences; read about the vast achievements of your classmates this year; and try and find yourself in the four billion pictures on show This year. the Publications Committee wanted to make this edition of the magazine exceptionally beautiful for Dr Bell's last year. We envisioned a magazine which included every girl in the School in some way shape or form. We wanted people to flick through the pages and immediately be reminiscing about memories associated with a picture or article. We wanted a magazine which encompassed the School for not only the Year 125 but every single girl. For example. in each of the Curriculum pages you will encounter quotes from the students which bring a unique perspective on the subject. making this section of the magazine extremely
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special and personal. it 15 this special ness, If you will. that provides the building blocks of the other sections. with personal touches throughout the edition. The committee thought that the colourful and bubbty pages of the magazine reflected what 2012 was like. and the happy atmosphere of the School as a whole From themed days such as Harry Potter IHermione Granger Day to orchestras playing beautiful music in St Stephen's Cathedral. and sports galore. the magazine has it covered. Also be sure to check out the virtual edition of the magazine where you can find movies. more pictures and articles So on that note. we hope
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everyone enjoys reading the 2012 magazine as much as we enjoyed putting 11 together. Use the OR code or the link next to this article to find more material on our dedicated secure website
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The limit does not exist With courage and integrity
aGSSSA Cross-country and Swimming. A particular Student Council initiative that encompassed this Infectious school spirit was the Grammar Spell. performed at aG swimming and athtetics. In a nutshett. a roar of seventy girls spelt out BGGS using their blazers For any of our competitors swimming their last lap of the pool. or running their last loom on the track. this must have been an energizing and motivating sight to spur them onto the finish line No matter how far or how wide our girls roam They still call Girls Grammar home The global mentality. as displayed during Multicutturat Week. encouraged Grammar girls to contribute to their world with wisdom. imagination and integrity'. particularty during numerous overseas study tours and eXchange programmes Two days in September That every senior girl will remember The month of September marked the important task for Year 125 tackling aCS as a team. To remind our 91rts that we were In this together. the stimulating. invigorating. energizing Girls
The Grammar girl 15 ready to persist Presented with myriad opportunities She believes in her endless capabilities
What a year 2012 turned out to be. This year we challenged att girls to push their boundaries. reach their potential. exceed expectations and make it happen. We wanted every girl to feel the exhitaretion of pushing herself beyond her limits. allowing her to achieve things she once thought Impossible. No matter how big or small the achievement may have been. this year every Grammar girl has travelled beyond her limits. We wanted every girl to have the courage to embrace att of the academic and co- curricular opportunities on offer at Grammar with passion and an open mind. and believe that there were no limits to her Involvement With a mindset of giving Every 2012 service endeavour was fulfill^^g This year. our first Student Council fundraiser contributed to Care Australia and saw the School decked out in red and
Grammar aCS handshake was a symbol of unity that we brought to the year. On the day of the tests. the sight of 228 new varsity-style senior jackets and sequined btue hair ribbons brought an undeniable sense of collegiality Just to keep up with trad^^10n Today we have one last mission And that 15 to remindyou that this year there are NO LIMITS
radiating enthusiasm and love on Valentines Day. Later in the year
fundraising for Breast Cancer Research was conducted on Pink Day. which yet again saw our girls support a worthy cause close to all of our hearts Keeping with tradition. throughout the year Blue Days were held on which girls Immersed themselves in-GrammarB!ue~10-5how their support for our aGSSSA and club sportswomen. Service sta Us. charity clubs and Senior Bi-Grammar occasions were also on the service menu this year A more magical event held in celebration of conquering Term 111 was Harry Potted
This year. we share our 'lasts' with Dr Bell. who 15 also embarking on a new adventure at the Womens College at the University of Sydney To Year 125 and Dr Bell. we hope you will followihe advice from The SoundofMus!c and
Herin lone Granger Day On this day. every girl packed her trunk. summoned her robes. spruced up her broomstick and grabbed her wand as the train for platform 9% departed at 8.20 am sharp. Despite some Muggtes on the scene. 11 was a spellbinding day of fundraising for Care Australia. At the beginning of Term IV. for the second time this year. fifty Year 125 lowered their wands and catted upon their green thumbs to tackle the task of re-vegetating Wetton Bridge Reserve Results saw beautifully ptanted seedlings and increased bicep muscle mass of all participants. which stood them in good stead for their sporting endeavours This year at Grammac excitement was always near And there were so many reasons to cheer On our sportswomen giving it their best Putting the!r skills to the test Everyone was definitely impressed To encourage all girls to get involved within the School sporting culture. the Student Council initiated supporters' badges for girls to wear in the lead-up to events. These badges were the first of many collector items across the year! We have had record numbers of girls willing to take time out of their busy Grammar schedutes to support their sporting sisters at the Head of River.
Climb every mountain, Ford every stream Follow every rainbow, fillyou find your dream
To att of our Grammar sisters. we hope the Student Councils vision has encouraged you to approach every aspect of your life with courage. optimism and resilience. We want you to be inspired to take failure in your stride and surprise yourself with your resilience To our fellow seniors, we would like to thank you for supporting and believing in us as your Head Girls for 2012 We are so grateful for every opportunity this role has given us. We have had the time of our lives, and we hope you have. too. Class of 2012, just remember: once a Grammar girl, always a Grammar girl The potential of a Grammar girl 15 Limitless So long. farewell, auf W!edersehen, good night We hate to 90 and leave this pretty sight So long. farewe!!, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye Goodbye. goodbye. goodbye TANvi KARNiK AND pHOEBE TRONc, HEAD GIRLS 2012
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Our strong culture of exceptional scholarship and community service provided the framework for the girls' NO Limits mantra and established a backdrop from which students could centre their efforts. This was demonstrated again and again. both Inside and outside the classroom. in Australia and on the world stage AcademicatIy. It was another year to cerebrate as the girls took the concept of exceptional scholarship to a new level Our campus resonated with lively debates. creative art works. the sounds of music. foreign languages. poetry. mathematics. science. International studies and economics. to name a few Service activities provided the vehicle for students and staff to step outside of their daily routines and think more about others - from sinetter events such as charity stalls and clubs to major Initiatives which saw the School turn every shade of colour from pink for Breast Cancer research. red for Valentines Day. blue for our sporting events and green for the environmental initiative Grammar Goes Green Students boarded International It19hts representing our School with pride as they attended programmes in Oxford. Cambridge. Barcelona. Boston. Singapore. New York and Paris Back on Australian 5011. they travelled to Sydney and even closer to our hearts. our outdoor education campus Marrapatta
In early spring. the Year 12 students sat their aCS tests. Unified. energised and refreshed. they Introduced a Girls Grammar aCS handshake to remind each other that the aCS was b team sport'. And what a terrific team it turned out to be As our Year 125 prepare to walk through the gates of the white picket fence for the final time I wish each and every one of them att the very best for the future The rhythms of the annual calendar and the end of each year herald change for everyone. myself inctuded. as I return home to Sydney and take up the new challenge as Principal of The Womens College within the University of Sydney In the new year. As such. I empathise with our Year12 students very closely at this time. Apart from the myriad wonderful memories I have collected during my time at Brisbane Girls Grammar. I will also be taking with me the NO Limits concept which the students have exemptified so beautifully. as I begin my next life chapter. I thank all the students for making 2012 such a special year and again. wish them well DR A A BELL, PRINCIPAL
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Open Day was our first as Brisbane Girls Grammar students and we were all hyped for the experience. especially for our stall for the new Year 85. There was a lot of planning involved with att the Year 8 House stalls as everyone wanted to meet the new Year 85 and make their first Open Day the best possible. It is such a different feeling from being a cluetess' primary school student to a knowledgeable' Year 8. When Open Day finally arrived and all the stalls were set up it looked amazing. There were No Limits to the amount of food and decorations all over the School Everyone was willing to share their knowledge about the School it was an incredible event and I cant wait for future Open Days
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Two years on from Brisbane Girls Grammars 1351h birthday. the School spirit and pride shown on Foundation Day was as Inspiring as ever. Ten magnificent cakes decorated in true School blue lone for each of the nine Houses and one for the staffl were shared and appreciated in the tradition of celebrating the Schools journey. Since the foundation of the School 137 years ago, this day provided students and staff with the opportunity to once again reflect and appreciate the wonderful School community
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After a debatable loss In the first event of the annual Bi-Gramma series to our rivals. Brisbane Grammar School. the girls fought hard to level the playing field in the netball event In early August the outstanding combination of Open and Senior A netball player convincing!y beat the boys in the battle. As the girls swarmed the sidelines of the court. the boys must have been Intimidated by the loud cheers and war cries after stumbling into the MCCrae Grassie Centre. late. The level of skill and understanding of the unfamiliar game demonstrated by the boys was quite respectsbte but could not compete with the elite sportsmanship of the Grammar girls. This win put the girls into an equal position to take out the title of the Bi-Grammar series ISABELLA ANDERSSON 112Hl
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INIT^I^I ^IW, INIT^MMI MIKAELA EDDIE112HIAND MADELINE PIPER 112Gl This year. School spirit exceeding all limits was part'CUIarty evident at the various Blue Days. Before the aGSSSA Swimming. Cross Country and Winter Fixtures as wett as Head of River. the School was transformed into a sea of blue The 91rts decorated the School and themselves to display their overwhelming School spirit. At lunch times. students swarmed to level three of the CLC to dance and to support all girls competing In their respective sports with a School war cry. These days helped unite all girls as well as inot vate all competitors as it exemptIfied the incredible support network and immense School pride. The Student Council also took this OPPortun ty to raise funds for various charities through a variety of Initiatives including sell rig blue jelly and mini burgers. which all girls embraced enthusiastically
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Tuesday 14 February marked the most spirited dayin the Brisbane Girls Grammar calendar. Love was in the air as the girls decorated their areas and themselves in pink and red to raise funds for Care Australia. A special thanks must go to Mrs Trina Hanlon who kindly donated 250 red roses to be sold on the day at the Student Council stall HOLLY RICHARDSON 112Hj. SERVICE CAPTAIN
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Throughout the day the Student Council sold National Breast Cancer Research Foundation merchandise while a sausage 5122 and spider stall was held at lunch Further funds were raised at the Mother and Daughter Dinner with each dollar donated bringing us one step closer to finding a cure for the disease JACQUELINE ROBERTS 112Gl, SERVICE CAPTAIN
Demonstrating the Schools abitIty to work unanimously towards the same goal, we raised more than $2000 for the National Breast Cancer Research Foundation This charity 15 significant to all of us with one in nine women In Australia being diagnosed with breast cancer. The School was brightly decorated with pink ribbons and balloons while the 91rts dazzled everyone with their originat and clever pink costumes
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Motorsport medic and dermatologist Dr Karyn Lun proved an interesting and entertaining guest speaker whose talk appealed not only to the men but also the 91rts at the Father and Daughter dinner In August Dr Lun. a Brisbane Girls Grammar Old Girl. spoke about her career as a medic in the sport of V8 Racing. during the dinner at Victoria Park Golf Club The function was also attended by future Year 8 girls and their fathers who enjoyed a performance by the Year 11 Vocal Trio The girls had the chance to spend time with their friends and fathers. have photos taken. and mingle with the teachers and future Year 8 girls, showing them real Brisbane Girls Grammar spirit by finishing with a war cry Overall it was a great evening enjoyed by all. and was a lovely opportunity for the girls to enjoy a night out with their fathers CAITLIN ZIVCIC 112Bl
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it I In May. the Mothers Group hosted the annuat Mother and Daughter Dinner and Debate with much success. The event was hetd at Hillstone St Lucia. with mothers and girls from all Year{evets-bonding overa lovely meaLwhi{e fundraising-forthe National Breast Cancer Foundation. This year, the debate topic was 'that the School should return to its original purpose and provide a fully academic education'. The debate is traditionally held between Brisbane Girls Grammar alumnae and current Year 12 students, Phoebe Tronc 112Hl. PhDebe HDsier 112Rl. and Mikaeta Brusasc0112Wl. hotly debated the necessity of our broad co-cu rricula r program me. however. the atuinnae were
ultimately deemed victorious. Fortunately. the School chose to ignore att the stirring arguments of the alumnae team - our co- curricular programme is a necessity in the eyes of every girl heedludicationwasverywisetyend diplomaticallydetIvered b Holly Duncen 120071, an avid sportswoman who also admitted she didn't agree with the sentiments of the Old Girls. The dinner provided an excellent opportunity for the women of the Brisbane Girls Grammar community to get together
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On 8 March. four Year 12 girls, Jacquie Roberts and Holly Richardson iservice Captainsl and Phoebe Tronc and myself IHead Girlsl attended the International Womens Day Luncheon at The Brisbane Club We had the opportunity to hear from the guest speaker. Director of Journalism and Media Research at the University of New South Wales. Dr Catharine Lumby. She discussed the representation of young women in the media. especially in sport. and how it is a relevant issue in today's society It was an inspiring and interesting experience that we all thoroughly enjoyed TANVI KARNIK112Ri. HEAD GIRL
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The Year12 Arabian Night Formal on 28 April proved to be a huge success and a magical occasion for all. The tent-tike interior of the room, the impressive winged stilt walker. and the hundreds of candles almost paled in comparison to the beautiful evening gowns and the handsome formal wear worn by the girls and their dates. The great food. fantastic venue and enthusiasm of every girl contributed to the overall exuberant atmosphere of the night. Not only was the Formal an incredible night for the girls, but it was also a great chance for teachers to see their beautiful students out of their school uniforms. Being part of the Formal committee really emphasised the need for teamwork in order to achieve a common goal, and although it was a long. challenging process, it proved to be a very valuable and incredibly rewarding experience PARIS MANN 112Gi
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a major success. Being part of the committee taught us all to work effectivety in a team and how to come together to organise an enjoyable and sociable function The night of the Social was wonderful, with all girls having a fantastic evening Georgia FitzGera[d 111E] said she 'had the best night of her lite' and that she would love to do it atlagain. Lizzie BOS 111Gl raised the only downfall of the night which was 'having extremely sore feet from my heelsl The event provided the girls with an opportunity to dress up and mix with the boys in a casual environment, while raising money for the Smith's Winter Appeal. This year. more than $3000 was raised TEA ANGELOS 11 101
At the beginning of Term 11. nine Year I I girls were selected through a student vote to represent the cohort in organising the combined Brisbane Girls Grammar School and Brisbane Grammar School Charity Social. which was to be held later in the Term The role consisted of meeting weekly with the boys and discussing a range of matters including the theme and decorations for the night. All members participated actively in discussions and reported back to the cohort to ensure that everyone was kept up-to-date with key decisions. The hard work of the committee definitety paid off with the Charity Social being
11A^ ^ HMAll The Year 8 Arts Showcase Is held on the last Thursday evening of Semester I and as the title suggests. this is an occasion for the students to show the Brisbane Girls Grammar Community their work from their first semester as students of music. drama and visual art I^ I For the visual art students, their exhibition is built around the theme of food as art. a light-hearted look at artistic design and technique through the medium of food. This display. however. is really the backdrop to the more serious artistic practices that the students are now able to display for their friends and families Students in the drama cohort present their performances for an audience. They have now entered a world of stagecraft and an appreciation of direction and technical aspects The virtual choir 15 the culmination of the classroom music programme. Each class records their part In the choral work that is drawn from their theme of ancient voices. This year the recording was played and resonated in the atrium of the Creativ Learning Centre with accompanying film footage projected on the wall of level four Ms B MCKEAN, VISUAL ART TEACHER VIMI A" Before coming to Girls Grammar. my artistic skills were in the early stages of development. but even though I have only been part of one Semester of Art I have a eady grown my skills immensely I cannot wait to become en better as my art course progresses HOPE SNEDDON 1801
Seeing visual Art on my timetable 15 always one of the highlights of my day. As well as the teachers being vibranl. full of energy and inspiring. the assignments are fun and creati
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Through painting. drawing and photography. art allows me to creativety interpret my thoughts and ideas. I always look forward to going to Art because it takes my mind to another place where it can think Imaginativety ELizABETH cox 110Rj
Art 15 a way to express yourself in a practical manner unlike any other subject offered by the School It 15 an expressive way to combine your own raw human emotion and creativity through different types of media and art forms CASEY GOTHARD 111Wj
Five years of studying Visual Art has shown me how to think outside the box. The best thing about Art at Brisba Girls Grammar 15th at you aren I limited to traditional methods of painting and drawing; you're given complete freedom to pursue your own style and medium CHLOE MCGOVERN 112El
Music in Year 8 is really fun! in class we learn singing. keyboard work. body percussion. rhythmic work and singing cannons. Music is always lively and energetic!
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Drama gives you the freedom to be yourself and allow your true personality to shine. All you need is a touch imagination plus a little inspiration OLIVIA WONG 18Bi
We learn great skills that will stay with us for all our life We play really fun games they become especially fun when we get really enthusiasti
2012 has been a huge year for Year 10 Music filled with learning about chords. chord progressions. lyric writing and lots and lots of singing with the main goal being able to write our own pop song in Term IV
I've met so many new people. done things I never thought I could. and seen some pretty entertaining things. I finally understand what it means to be a Drama llama
Drama gave me so much knowledge and built on many other skills. it is the rare type of subject that gets you out of chairs and moving around doing fun activities with friends and classmates
ANNE VU 1100i
Year12 Music girls had an incredibly busy year beginnin with our Classical composition. We embraced our 'inner Mozart' and the Angel Strings quartet performed and recorded our pieces
Year 11 Drama has been a fast paced and exhilarating experience. The year has been both challenging and fulfilling and we are all anticipating what's yet to come FELICITY CLIFFORD 111Lj
Imagin liting in a cafe at the Eiji I Tower and ordering a decad nt Duffle. Pompe aux pornme du Perlgord lapptes and almond In flaky pastry I with the flair and ophi 11 allon of the most easoned traveller. This 15 the opportunity you will experience when you have studied Fr rich at Bri bane Girls Grammar ALEXANDRA WILSON 18Hl
Learning different tenses has really helped extend and develop our language skills. After spending Term 11 at an international schoolin South America. I realised how much this School has to offer in regards to learning a foreign language FRANCISCA POWELLllOHl
Senior French 15 a fantastic subject that provides a valuable life skill that can be used long after school finishes. The Schools French curriculum is fun and offers a wide range of activities that broaden our language skills ANNA KRETOWICZ 111WI AND MOLLY MCSWEENEY 111Wj
I particularly enjoy French in Year12 because the topic that are taught relate to our current situations. Senior French gives an insight into the exotic French culture f students at Brisbane Girls Grammar School WASEQA HASAN 112Wl
Taking part In Year 9 French Is a unique. fun and worthwhile experience. The practical activities along with classroom discu Ions have provided an enriching learning experience which 15 both entertaining and Informative GABBY ELGooD 1901 AND sopHiE POOLE 1901
Our class enjoyed researching famous Germans. both contemporary and historical. We learned about politicians. inventors. musicians, writers and fashion icons EMILY PICKARD 18Mi
I feel like I know and can understand so much more of the language than I initially did. such as appearance, rooms of the house. and past tense. The ability to write in past tense opened up a whole other side of the language ISABELLA BRAINSBURY110Gl
We were given the opportunity to improve our speaking skills with individual feedback from our teachers, We role played a number of scenes in pairs. allowing us to improve our pronunciation and to sustain conversation JOSEPHINE AUER 19Bl
Many girls participated in the Language Perfect competition which involved a series of vocabulary questions that students had to answer correctly. Language Perfect was a fun and different way for language students to learn vocabulary SHANNON CALLANDER 111Mi
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Senior German allowed for an engaged learning environment as we focussed on the German and Australian education systems. the media. ethical issues and fairy tales it taught me a lot and is a language I will continue for the rest of my life JORDAN 1 o ^A TAEi . . We learned about greetings. food. numbers. people. family members and towns. We also got to dress up in traditional clothing. tasted Japanese food and watched Japanese movies ELIZABETH CHA1 18El, EMMA JEREMY 18Ei AND YOW-TSYR IANGELAi CHANG 18Ej ? ., \ PC:;.' . I , I *, ^ . t. ~ .: ,<* ^! \~~ * 111 J. . ,- An 79^ ^ \. :^!!.--, I^^. , I^ , I , -, .. ,: ...,\. h ,fi , . *, . " ~+ \*_ ! \* :^, . 4. \' " I- ^:^>.,.;. *I , '. I j - ,, *..*-' ej ,. , , , *,'*4I ,,,,, , A ,,'^ ,",., 4 , Ajb. -*, *' I!!;- ,. ' r; ,,, -,;:;^: ^;. , ,,.. , .. * " *, 7 :* b; 1'11- ^g^j S$^ +, A, 17 ~* .,\ !;^ *\, *4*^!^!^;,,^, -^:;:; ' , * *" .J '" II- ' . . ^ " I ,#*9 ';^$!,^' * Chict5i, :I This year. Year 9 Japanese has been gre We have learned so much. including the culture of Japanese school trips. (Un>5b\< 0 * C5) Overall though. magic paper was by far the favourite MADELEINE FARR 19Ml , 1.3 Year 11 Japanese has been a whirlwind of knowledge so far in our senior languages experience. Throughout the year we have also covered a variety of new topics including health and fitness. exchanges in Japan and Japanese cultural holidays LiLLY GiBsoN-DouGALL 111Ri *,^^,,, j L Studying Japanese is so different from English that it will make you re-think your most basic assumptions about the way language works. This year. I have enriched my knowledge of Japanese culture and vocabulary through many learning techniques CAITLiN HocKiNGs110wl \ * , , . . , , I^;' ~'I. * .. .. , ^^;';'}',*4, ,,, ., , *':;? 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ELISABETH TRUSLER 19Bj \^ Inn ' I Our focus is mainly on travelling in China. and learning about the Chinese culture. We have been given different study techniques such as weekly VDCab tests. revision booklets. writing practise and accounts on a new website that reminds us to revise our vocab ^. ALEXANDRA CRILLY110El I particularly enjoyed the poetry unit as this was bot new and exciting. We also went on an excursion to The University of Queensland where we expanded o knowledge of Roman culture and history When I walk into the Chinese classroom a part of my brain suddenly wakes up and does a workout. This part of my brain I refer to as the 'Chinese zone' where all of my brains cells train and practise recognising characters and understanding them. enabling me to speak these words out loud CARA MCKELVIE110Bl EMILY MCCORMICK 111Ml We've been studying issues like the environment. plans for when we finish school and high school issues. It's been really interesting actually using classroom study to talk about things that are happening in real life RACHEL VAN BAARLE 112Ml Translating Virgil and Cicero this year has been challenging but engaging. I particularly enjoyed learning about the political context of Cicero's work KATE JEREMYj12El o <= L. 1. < C^ C/. I, ^ ~T~ C. ^ t. C 111 = > -^, C/, C. ^= 110 Dun I~\ C. < r~Y~\ CD ^ .~<. C_> <=> ^ <= --J ^ ^..-. C> F-- C/> ^j c> 1. < ^-, 111 111 GEi :e lira .MM ,::. <= :=, --, ^ <> C_D itI^^ We began the year looking at persuasion and by the end we were almost able to convince our parents of anything We studied poetry. performed a speech to the class and unleashed our inner E!izabethans through Shakes peare's A Midsummer Nights Dream We mastered the art of persuasion which was most useful in convincing our mothers that we had to have an iphone or desperately needed a new pair of shoes from Novo. We also went wild for Wilde! NICOLA DAY 18El This year I really enjoyed the persuasive writing unit because I learned a lot of rhetorical strategies and now I use them when I argue with my sister. Studying A Midsummer Nights Dream was also fun because we acted out some of the play and got to learn silly Shakes pearean insults VIVIAN YANG 1901 Headlines hit students hard when we began the year writing feature articles and learning how to use language to influence our readers. We then prepared and delivered singles debates. tackling some controversial issues. I really enjoyed both assignments. especially because they taught me how to present an argument without needing to yell ALEX DIMICHELE 18El From Macbeth to To Kill a Mocking bird. we delved into the classics. We became attached to the characters in To Kill a Mocking bird. and in the words of Atticus Finch. "stepped into their skin and walked around in it" before writing narrative recounts VINCCI NG 110Bl English has been one of the most mentalty stimulating and challenging subjects that I have experienced over the past five years. Studying a wide range of topics and writing in such a wide range of styles has provided me with some of the most valuable skills that I have learned throughout my years at School ELLIE BAULCH 110GIAND OLIVIA CONLAN 110Wl English throughout Year 11 has been a challenging journey. compelling me to take risks and improve my writing skills I feel that English allows me to express myself through an array of diverse assessments REBEccA ADSETrji2Mj GEORGIA RASHFORDlirei itI 11th A TM, or^ 11A^ " Null 11/11/11 Wl^I lit"11 I^ MITI A lionT 11N A1 I" or 111 111.1^ Uru"M 11^I'; A WWWI NII, A lull" IMF, or row 11^ or 1.1 11"111 INTll. A IAWA^ NAM^ kin 11 MIM"111 They showed themselves out. chequered blue and white against the falling orange-Indigo curtain. It was only after the police-car had scrabbted against to05e gravel. and left a dusty haze in Its wake. that the tension left Ivan's body. He slumped 1.10 the chair and his hands shooks uricontrottabty. his mind numb. So. His mother had been missing for a month now CHLOE YAP 111Bl 1111/1 11N, IAIIM WA^MTl The battered carcass of a sinatt bird lay lifeless on a vast expanse of bitumen. which many years ago had een poured over the itchy earth to smooth It. to make it purer. so that machines which were faster and stronger and greater than humans could slide along 11 lithety and in do rig so conquer the steamy depths of Sydney's great suburbia ELIZABETH STDROR 111Bl Sitting on my cozy couch surrounded by glass w ridows letting In the warm sunshine was everything I could have dreamed of two years ago. I had seen th s house in the newspaper perched gracefully on top of Broughton Cliff wi h a 180 degree view of bright city tights. I had told myself tha this would be where I would tIve. peaceful and poised as everyone told me I was. Now he shiny tiles I s feel co d and nwet cming. The stillness of the air now silently screams of loneliness. Yet his sweet baby scent still lingers. I don't know 11 It was because I didn't recycle I e milk carton or because I to t the tap on while brushing my teeth. but fate decided to take him away from me KATIE BUTCHER 111Ml WWII un MrsAill it was f Irly busy for a Tues ay. the hot afternoon sun re Ing at my s In even as I sat in the shade of the train station. The whistte of hurrying trains abused my ears. the shrill nois scattering my thoughts with each new train that putled into the platforms. Peopte desperate to be home rushed past me. the continuous blur of their blank face intriguing me. I felt as if I knew them personally Girl in a Red Sweater was nervous about her new boyfriend, Man in a Dark Shirt was anxious to hold his new baby. It was a stupid game I played. because really. what did I know of family life? EMMA VAN HAERINGEN 111Rl MUM Evie caugh the last glimpse of blossomed frongipanis as she reached her fingertips to close the btInds; the scent of spring was trapped Inside the room. Her eyes scanned the area quickly while her heart started to pound at an accelerating speed; she was the old st In the room. Evie crawled to the door and struggled to turn the key with her shaking hands; turning the key several times before successfully hearing the lock click GEORGIA VOLKERS 111Hl I^I MMU E Justin fumbled desperately, his heart a nervous rabbit. thumping around in his chest. No. he thought forcefully. his grey eyes darting frantically liked a scared fish. The kitchen sink stared ominousty at him. its dark. bottomless mouth laughing at him like a sideshow clown He spotted the frustratingty ctOSe glimmer of gold. like a lick of candle light in the darkness. teasing him. beckoning, daring him to come CIOs r MILANA MASTERSON 111Mi @ I I In Semester I MIT. our task was to create a vector and bitmap digital illustration and manipulation composition At the end of the Term all of our work was presented at the digital design showcase for Years 9 and 10 MACKENZIE GEEVES110Ml We have been learning many new techniques and tools to help us through our technological journey. We have used software such as Adobe Photoshop. Dreamweaver and SwishMax3 REEMA HAWA I8Lj 11 ,/ \\ \\ \\ \^\ ,^*^ , A*.*. *.*-*.,* O' Year 11 ITS focused on the design. development and evaluation process of major client projects. We have had to create innovative and original websites and music videos for real clients, to mimic projects done by designers today LouisE FORBEs 111w! Year 9 students participated in a newly structured course named innovative Design. For girls in Ie architecture or engineering. innovative Design that outlines the basis of these industries ted i a cou . , TYLER GREEN 19Gj , . I 91 un 3 " Z " = " D in . co o > " " . = o U o o C a Senior ITS has been particularly rewarding in that it encompasses all aspects of theoretical work regarding design and planning of projects which are then developed using industry standard software. These projects are then evaluated so that we are equipped and exposed to real processes and proced ures ZOE KANSKY112Bj ^ A selection of multimedia from Technology Studies students displayed at the annua Technology Studies Showcase. Works on display incorporated Digital Photography. Image Manipulation and Typography. RF, *,*,. ~!;,,,, z ^if, ~ ,, git^jj""' ,.. . . *. , ^. ,,. , , , , *. , I;.-Y 11 I 111 I'Dl, I ID , I have to say Year 9 camp had definitely been a bigger challenge than Year 8 camp. I wanted to stay strong the whole way and say to myself that I can do it! There 15 one very Important thing that my group has taught me patience A highlight for me was laying on my back looking up at t stars - it was really special. I believe my determination and mindset 15 what will get me through the day and up those mountains ^. \ IN ^ Year 8 camp is a GREAT experience. nojoke Remember to enjoy this experience because you will only have Year 8 camp once I loved it here at Marrapatta. This magical place has this loving feeling that Invites all Grammar girls In You do a variety of fun activities canoeing. camping. the list 15 endless All the staff are so nice and helpful. don t be afraid to ask for help. Camp seniors make it a lot of fun. the food is good. the responsibility and freedom Is amazing. You'll love it Grammar sister I 11A^ ' a Support each other when the going gets tough. A simple encouraging comment and smile can push someone up that last bit of mud or up a steep hill. Nothing can dampen your view on camp except a negative attitude Camp 15 one word that everybody views differently. You love it. you hate it or you live it. As my first Grammar camp I thought it was amazing and definitely a wonderful thrill ..;\.*i!!^;':: ***.,., . INA^ ^; 11.1 or HID^ I find Study of Religion to be an extremely engaging. relevant and topical subject. Religion is a significant and important factor in today's world and it is really important to understand the origins. impact and argumen surrounding today's faith-based conflicts. The breadth of the course means that we have the opportunity to learn about important religious events that shaped history. religious conflicts. and issues present in today's society as well as what they mean for Australia and globalIy \ ^ ^. I , t^. ,^, ^ OLIVIA PURSEY 111Hj From investigations into the prominent religions of today. as well as those of centuries past. Study of Religion has offered me the opportunity to learn about different world religions and in turn discover more about my place in this multifaceted and unpredictable world. Having immersed myself in ancient and modern philosophical. religious and scientific schools of thought. Study of Religion has changed the way I view the world and shaped the person that I have. and continue. to become NIM ; "" MMMMi I^'I GEORGIA ATHANASELLIS 112Hl runMii; EComan is an economic management course offered to Year 11 economics students as an opportunity to experience the operation of large-scale companies. 11 is a three-day course where several small groups of students allocate themselves different positions within a simulated company. Each group competed as rival companies to establish the highest share price over the duration of five years. At the end of the course. each group made a presentation summarising the results of their companies to potential Investors. 11 was a rewarding experience as it helped 11< dPvelop a better Lintlerstanrling of economics and provided an opportunity to apply our class theory to 'real' situations. The programme was a very valuable experience to everybody who participated and offered guidance to future aspirations in economics and business Our Year 12 economics course has explored the mechanics of the domestic economy while exploring the links between nations. Through the application of economic theory we have been able to divulge and investigate contemporary issues within society. Beyond the classroom several visitors to the School. including economists from the Reserve Bank of Australia. have imparted valuable insight Into the Australian and international economies. Likewise. the Economics Society. which is attended by economics students and teachers from both Girls Grammar and other schools. held regular guest presentations on current economic issues. in July. the whole economics cohort participated in the University of Queensland Economics Competition. This state-wide test required students to apply economic theory to current affairs. Many girls are to be congratulated on attaining distinctions and high distinctions in the competition VICTORIA WARD 111Li, INGRID WILLIAMS 11/01 AND MIA FINLEY 111Hi The Humanities Visiting Scholar Programme aims to provide students who are studying a Humanities subject with the opportunity to extend and challenge their studies It was a great honor to have the Reverend Tim Costetto IAOi. CEO of World Vision Australia. as the guest speaker in 2012 This years theme was 'Social challenges faced by different communities'. Drawing on his vast knowledge. he skillfully integrated examples of everyday situations within the lives of the students, to make them aware of the many similarities and challenges faced by communities In other parts of the world. This was particularly relevant to the Geography classes present as he was able to highlight the relevance of their studies of both local and global issues Reverend Costetto shared the diverse and practical ways that World Vision Australia has been able to make a positive contribution by working in partnership with communities within East Africa and india. This encouraged the students to challenge their outlook on life and seek ways to assist and improve the well-being of their fellow human beings MR J WHEATLEY. HEAD OF GEOGRAPHY HUMANITIES: Learning about the Ancient and Modern Olympics was interesting and fascinating. The Ancient Olympics looked into how Athens saw sporting events used in their time. while Modern Olympics simply is an exciting occasion for people who have a talent in sport JACQUELINE ROBERTS 112Gl EMMA VAN BAARLE 18Ml @ ^NMIH 11:10^I The highlight of the year has definitely been our re enactment of King Louis XVl of France's trial. where we were able to dress up and argue our cases using our own research and perspectives. as our classroom became the Supreme Court of France. History this year has taught us t always make our own judgements on the world around us MACADA ROEBIG 19Hl MIN ^Iyo ^I Ancient History has seen the girls dig up their archaeology skills. philosophise on the wonders of Ancient Greece and even enjoy an Egyptian adventure visiting the Mummy Exhibition fit for a pharaoh. There is no shortage of enthusiasm as we investigate the temple of knowledge of the Ancient World GEORGIA NEWTON 111Bi ^ ^1110^I YearlO History has been a classlhave thoroughly enjoyed this year. We covered many topics. such as World War One and specific campaigns in depth such as Gallipoti RHIANNON WEPPNER110Hl MOM^ ^1110^I Studying areas like the ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict feminism and mass media are all largely relevant to our world today. Modern History is a deeply rewarding subjec that helps you to become a global citizen MOM^ ^1110^I Modern History is an engaging and enlightening subject that allows students to receive a greater understanding of the past. The course gives students the opportunity to learn about important events that shaped our society CHLOE MCGOVERN 112El GRACE GREENWOOD 111B! A^11N 11:10^I Senior Ancient History students kicked off the year with a study of the Roman Republics decline. Fittingty. we were visited by Dr Tom Stevenson. an Ancient History lecturer from The University of Queensland, who enriched our knowledge of the Republic ISABEL PRIORI12G! @ LHA!11 I found the Brisbane River field trip most interesting and enjoyable. The coursework was extremely rewarding because I got the opportunity to learn more about Brisbane. its land uses and how it can change over time CHLOE PARSONS-POPE 110Hl ,*I -, .~.^ ^ . ^~ ,. Taking part in the Year 9 geography field trip to the Gold Coast was a thoroughly enjoyable experience and a very productive learning opportunity. Working as a team. through a number of fun activities. we were able to further extend our knowledge of coastal processes JOSEPHINE AUER 19Bl .'.. u I I. I '1'1" " . ,* I' I . , ^=~ *. . I *\ .. 11 -, , a ^ . ^ , *, b Our study of 'Connecting People and Places' through the use of various forms of technology such as mobile phones. internet, wiki and Wi-Fi was extremely releva to our generation. An Investigation into the Great Barrier Reef provided insight into one of the worlds most significant biomes Year 11 Geography really keeps me up-to-date with global issues facing today's society. which are problems that I really find interesting. A highlight was the visit from Reverend Costello who spoke to us about the economic situation and food security of African nations LAURA BECKINGHAM 111Ll ELANOR OZTURKj12Lj \^. a ^^ fill^ lull^ We have all gained valuable knowledge on a wide variety of health-related topics. Of particular relevance was the unit we studied relating to training for sport HANNAH COMPTON 19Rj HIT^1111/11 Some of my favourite activities involved learning how to perform CPR. playing basketball. touch and sport aerobics A lot of us really enjoyed the Resilience Education and Drug Information IREDll unit because it 15 a particularly Important part of being an adolescent ^IAIT^ '11/1, REMY BREAKWELL110Wj I really loved learning about the human body 11 was interesting to learn about anatomy. nutrition and personal health and the impact they have on our lives KATIE MUNGOMERY 18Bj HIMIMNDi This year we were able to see and hear from many elite athletes It was interesting to listen to champion athletes and coaches at the twenty-second Annual ACHPER Women in Sport Breakfast EMILY POOLE 11/01 11NAl llllATIO^ It 15 amazing to think that by participating in the Senior Physical Education Lifesaving Camp. I have been part of this wonderful lifesaving tradition I know that if someone was In trouble in the water. I could help them ~.. ISABELLA ANDERSSON 112Hj
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