2010 School Magazine
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e gU8r e owe me Diny prison oe un unnecessary orce. ~ e slammed the gate shut in my face be gave me the look of SII@It disgust an white people @ve Negroes. At least Lity was safe. .. Well, as safe as someone could be in the presence of an angry T-Ray. That poor girl, it gave me shudders to even think about what he rut@It do to her. Guilt washed over my body I heard voices back in the entrance room. The doors burst open and for half a second I thouglit it rutgit be T-Ray, decichiig by some miracle to bail me out. But in that same second I realised how fooUsh it was to rely on him for anything. The white man I had 'abused' earner glared at me tinougli iron bars. His two companions stood on either side of mm, starting menacingly I kept my mouth shut tightly. He sun had the flashltgit in his hand. He tossed it up in the air and Ganglit it, emphasising that I was weapon-less against his ami^Ity flashU@It. I knew what was coming. I was about to lose my teeth, my blood, maybe even my life. But I would make sure that my digitty would be held in tact The men opened the gate and advanced on me. I stood my ground and held my head high. They would not get one word out of me. I lay there, the untorglving cold of the prison floor pressed upon my body Blood trickled down my face and into my eyes, obscuring my vision. I felt it pool around my bead, spreading across the concrete floor itke witd fire I was hurt and broken. I Gouldii't move, not that I'd wanted to. What was the point in trying anymore, I just get thrown down and knocked around I have 00 control over my own life and I'm sick of it. I'm done, I give up. I wished that horrible, Taoist man finished the job while he'd had the chance My head throbbed madly. it felt like days ago that I had sought out to get my voter's registration. I heard from far away men shouting and saw from the corner of my blurred eyes the guard restraiiitng my attackers. Let them go. Just let them destroy me already. magithig 1191ts appeared from nowhere and I was carted off into the back of the ByIvan ambulance. Paramedics attended to my head and I let my thong!ts drift off away from the enclosed area. I thongit of how unfair the world is how I had hoped that it would change after the Civil myits hat, but that too was foulsh. I thongit of my mama, how she'd had to live with the same skill I do, caring for seven children off a sweetgraBe basket merchant's salary. I thongit of Lily, of how T-Ray must be punishing her, this very mmute. All of a sudden I remembered what day it was The medic Bald something about how I would fall asleep after the drugs were livested into me. The drowsiness came as a relief, an escape from this 1119itmare. I let my eyes droop and noticed less and less of the doctors, prodding at my flesh wound. My last thou@its before I drmed off into a sleep I hoped I'd never wake up from were of my best and o1tiy friend Happy Birthday LUy "Nigger, you say you're sorry, ' he said, sneering at me
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8.18 a Girls Grammar
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