2010 School Magazine
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As soon as Bald walked into the resta. runt the snell of fine French cuisine filled her nostrils. She inhaled deeply and took in her surroundings; the white linen table cloth adorned with fine silverware and the magnificent crystal chandelier hanging above were oddly comforting. Eventually Bile spotted him. She walked over, consciously controlling her breathing, hoping this would be the 1,811t he uttered those four magic words. Forcing herself to pull up the corners of her mouth, she sat down and evaluated Derek. lie was WOOFing those mustard-coloured corduroy pants, a stripy short- sleeved business slitt and a spotted tie. A stain of red wine was already clearly visible on Darek's slim bur Batd tore her eyes away from this imperfection and met Darelr's deep, piercing gaze. "Bald, " Derelr said drnmnticaUy, "I think we can make this marriage work. ,* Bald swallowed as she digested his words and began to fabricate possible responses. ^here really only was two optionss she could bite the bullet and ask for a divorce bit then she would likely loose half of her money; or she could try the impossible task of convincing him that their marriage was insoluble and coax a divorce out of him. Darek's eyes were wide, his brow furrowed and Bald Gould ten he was holding his breath. She had never seem Derelr so serious. ", re have to look at this realisticaUy, " ^inId said as tendony as she Gould, "I just don't think. .." bur the stopped. Derelr's face had fallen, his eyes drooped; 1115 shoulders hunched inwards; and his bottom Up jutted cumards. Ile suddenly looked more like
a little boy than ever. Taken aback by Darelr's despondency, Bald searched her mind for some means to avoid an emotional display because that was one thing she could not manage. "Let's just forget it, I'm tired and we can talk abort this later. I mean, you threw me off guard, okay?" Elite said raising her heavily pencilled eyebrows imploringIy. Bald could feel the crow's feet around her eyes getting deeper so she tried to relax her face when she noticed an old won"I, at the next table staring at her. The woman's lips were pursed and she was slightly shaking her bead at Bald. Suddenly the crow's feet were back. Binid's ears were burning and she desperately wanted to look away but her eyes were locked onto the won. n's judgement at stare. "Yes dear, of course, " Derelr sighed compliantly. Long ago Eruid had realised that her parents and friends would never accept her marriage to a young, unsuccessful actor. Bowever, to be judged by strangers was peculiarly disconcertings somehowit Signng and looking away, Bald assessed the bouquet of flowers in the centre of the table. Although the white roses were fir rant and lovely it was the vase that Gangh. t Bald's attention. me ceramic vase was tall, Blender and elegant with an intricate floral design weave a around it. Eruid contemplated the affiliation between the flowers and the vase. The flowers were the richn attraction; young, tireslI and full of life but how long would that last? Two, was worse. "now Derek and I must look to her, " Rimd thongit.
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