2010 School Magazine
Urne Weattier, !111, an B, eitt^Iy ^ ane < I. ^^> Winner of ^lie Betty Woolcoc, ^'01^:^eruge"Cup SttTd. ezLts~Lti~, rears I. and 1.8 are asked to respond to a Snakespeare quote un any written form they choose. ^he day the world ended the weatherman ^he day the world ended we watched Wztl, . his picket-fence teeth in a plastic sneer ^hroi, .81, . cold web-SLvered glass PredLcted ILgl, .t rain unto a bigli chance of A's the four horsemen of the apocalypse Armageddon. drove unto town inLe disconnected man 0.1 the corn. er of 81.8t Tn. a mustang black as 81. , ^ran, ,, g smog black as sin, Cloaked un cardboard capital screamR T, ,. suits black as SL, ^, Broke the weathered leatheredlines of 1.18 With eyes black as sun; fagade And declared: ^he skyscrapers trembled nervously "T told you so! , As the cracked and Graven earth laughed AZLd the kids from the block beat him senseless Because school was out and they had nothing torrential global grief better to do. T aa, .a. , n"aybe T love you after all. ,, darkly beneath their concrete feet. Gazing out the window glazed with
your gad smile strive a for cold grey eyes but the preten. ce tasted bitter, Because the aton. e on my fi. riger is heavy And because nobody wants to fade into memory Alone.
I'me day the world en. ded, the naghbour1, .o0d gangs Came out~111 their colours ,Do waste precLous o2ry'gen with futile prayers A, s the ink from their pelts Bled with the rani unto puddles of ironLc ,, tifforznity, ^liey pleaded and prayed ill useless repent Until their sir, fin made a blank canvas ,Eheir mouths black holes Aria their words a chorus of urian, ,nous eulogy Besides, everybody knows that Bad men don't go to heaven.
School Mage^ 801.0
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