2010 School Magazine
^rigiistL My English teacher ready brought Shakes peare to life for me through imaginative re-enactments of Lady Macbeth. He also opened our eyes to topics that we would not have studied otherwise, like the 1940s screwball comedy Tieri Icelly Loan un^^
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Computer Studies has been extremely enjoyable and introduced me to a range of different programs and software that win be very useful in my other subjeots but also later in the workforce. Zoe Kansky LOB I To be able to use creative skins is great. Even though we often have only a ehort time frame to complete our works, they always endlyp working out very won. Also, the practicalities of this subject are enormous. it teaches you to use programs that may become useful I top in life. Bachael Leverton. ,. 00
Lax, .811. a es I, alln Is a ,/ei'y Intel, esting subject. it really helps ill under stalldiiig English and nthe grammatical structures in other languages and in o1, e coinplex literallire. its :1150 ftiii and tile textbooks contain funny cha!. asters that bring the stories to life ^inity Norton loin F1'endt tills yeai' 11:1s heell gi. e;111 Studyiiig the language on it deepei. level. the sill)Jest became p1'0gress!VCIy 11ai, der but at the same time in o1. e I. errti. ding. The classes ai'e itI\, Jays Inade up of diffet. eiit activities. \, 11/11 it hio!Id 1.41^ge I Gildiiig. srie;Ikiiif witing ;111d listening incoi'poi'aled into eacli o11e 'Ihe sub. 10.1 11:13 dcii!litely dive!I and liftiiy other giils a strollg fotii!dirtioii to I tile coining ye' Phoebe Tronc IOH
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