2010 School Magazine
I^rigi. ish in English I enjoyed presenting my Persuasive Oral, my topic was that society places too much emphasis on appearance' The presentation was six minutes and I learnt how to write an oral which will be really useful if I go into business and need to give persuasive speeo esl GabneUe White 90 I believe English has helped in to wl on my vocabulary, improved my essay writing and analytical skins it 8 grea preparation for the future! Georgza Voniers 911 Studying Finding Grace in E Sh g e me the OPPortmUty to have quiet reading time. in particular the book to t e a great lesson - that people can change. Eratja T, ,An son. 9^"
The highlight of Year 9 Art for me would have to be the cardbo d 80ulptures. They were extremely challenging an gave me a new perspective on art in general. I, a De T, acy 9Z.
Landscape painting was a very enjoyable task and it showed us another Bide of Spring Bin. byn. Li 9.3 Carol, ae ,:,,.,, ^ & Abby EEels0 9^
in History the assignment on the Trial of King Louis XVl took us back to Paris in 1790s. Playing the role of Maximilien Robes pierre I was able to experience what it vras like to live in those times and the injustice peasants endured. Throwing onions was also part of the task's appeal! eorgia Mumphy 90 I think History stops people repeating the mistakes of the past. It's also great to learn about different traditions. cultures and civilisations and see how they affect us now. Tara BlundeU 9^I Creating Aztec head-dresses was a personal highlight in History. We were able to use our creativity and design skills while learning about cultural differences and social progression. Susan. nab Taylor 9n"
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