2008 School Magazine
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, I' Thinking of a theme for this year was probably our hardest task-we knew it needed to express the quintessence of what we wanted to achieve for 2008. When the Student Council met for the first time at the beginning of the year, the Olympics ^ ^ I became a topic for discussion. With the ensuing Olympic excitement, athletes' stories of success, pushing the boundaries and team work were the type of stories we wanted to create and remember at Girls Grammar for 2008-this inspired our theme, "Make your Mark. " And now with the year coming to an end we couldn't have asked for a greater year. The young women at Brisbane Girls Grammar have enthusiastically embraced this theme and created their own Olympic stories, both through personal achievements and in approach to the three challenges we gave the girls at the start of the year regarding the environment, increased involvement and charity-in which we set a goal of reaching $55,000. With the environment being a topical issue of our time and becoming a serious concern for our generation, we felt more emphasis was needed in encouraging girls to become actively involved in an issue that will directly affect their future. We didn't find the answer to global warming, but girls did make a difference through the new initiative 'Grammar Goes Green'. During Terms 11 and 111, 11 ^
for their School. We believe it is this pride and support for each other that has instilled a sense of value for education in the girls at Grammar. Therefore, continuing and developing this spirit has been the main aim this year for us. Our last goal however, has been the most rewarding. I At the start of the year, the Council set a goal for the School of raising $55,000 towards charity. However, at the end of Term 111, we discovered we had raised over $58,000. This was an amazing achievement! There isn't a Grammar girl who hasn't contributed and supported each other in all the events and fundraisers organised by their peers. So, in Term IV I we decided that we could make Grammar history, by raising over $60,000 and really taking our theme I to the limits.
volunteers from Years I I and 12 worked together to And finally, to Year 12s-Class of 2008-you have plant new trees through the non-profit organisation made this year so memorable for us, and we hope Save Our Waterways Now (SOWN). The initiative was that we have made this last year as special for you. met-with huge enthusiasm with over seventy-+ive girls We are grateful that you believed in us and voted volunteering to plant trees. We would like to recognise us your leaders, for every opportunity you have the School's Service Captains, Tess Evans (12W) and given us, we thank you. Elspeth MCConaghy (12L), for their tireless dedication We are so proud to be in a school of such determined to the initiative and the link they established between and ambitious young women and we hope that the Girls Grammar and SOWN-it is a fantastic start to friendships made during your years at Girls Grammar encouraging greater focus on the environment within will last well into the future. the Girls Grammar community. Our second goal was involvement, intended to
We thank you all for such an incredibly rewarding and exciting year, and hope this year has enabled change and growth, both personally and within the Girls Grammar community. Although for some of our younger girls Year 12 seems like a life time away one comes to understand that the lessons learnt at Girls Grammar are invaluable-notjust from within the classroom, but in how you can make a difference
promote a greater sense of spirit and verve, not just in Inter house events, but in the everyday life of the School. Our expectations were once again surpassed. Participation at the Inter house Swimming Carnival and inter house Cross-country was extremely enthusiastic and aGSSSA swimming saw the largest number of Girls Grammar supporters ever- congratulations girls' As well as this Open Day was a huge success and really epitomised 'Making your Mark' through not only girls' involvement in the stalls and activities throughout the night, but also from the obvious pride and excitement the Grammar girls had
in your life and to others around you. 4, # kid}^' ^",P ^4@^4^P^4 CIE^&@^.@ ^E;42 8/@,^
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