2007 School Magazine

Creative Learning Centre Opening

After 18 months of construction and three years’ planning Brisbane Girls Grammar School opened The Cherrell Hirst Creative Learning Centre on its Gregory Terrace campus in May. The complex was named for Dr Cherrell Hirst AO , in recognition of her extensive contribution to Brisbane Girls Grammar School Thursday 17 May 2007 NEW INSPIRATIONS

and her aspirational commitment to women’s education and health. Dr Hirst is a past Grammar girl, immediate past Chair of the Board and leading role model for our young women. The School invited parents, alumni, friends and the wider community to join with students and staff in The Cherrell Hirst Creative Learning Centre to tour the new facility. Over one thousand visitors enjoyed the experience, and many commented on the intelligent design, generous spaces and wonderful learning environments.

The building has been embraced by staff and

students alike, with the entire School community benefiting from increased space and optimum teaching and learning facilities.

Open Day

Friday 3 August 2007



On Tuesday 17 April, the Student Council organised a student celebration for the opening of The Creative

As our theme this year was “Create the Bonds”, a special activity reflecting this


Learning Centre. To begin the festivities, every student in the

was organised. For a gold coin donation, students were

real bonds formed that

given a coloured strip of material and each girl

day were between the students. During the lunch hour, girls were dancing and enjoying themselves in the new spaces, and the war cry that followed the dropping of the chain generated a great atmosphere of unity and ‘bonds’ throughout the School. Sarah Cowley (12G) and Sally Fry(12H)

wrote her name, or a message, on her ribbon. A number of Year 12

students worked throughout lunch to tie the

School enjoyed a blue

ribbons together, similar to a paper chain, to create the bonds in the chain. The aim was to create a chain that would reach from the top level of the CLC all the way to the bottom. Bonds were created, and the chain did reach, but the

iced doughnut for morning tea, kindly provided by the School. At lunchtime, a sausage sizzle was held to raise money for Kummara, an Indigenous women’s organisation based in West End.




brisbane girls grammar school

school magazine 2007

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