2007 School Magazine

Giving from Grammar Time

Giving from Grammar Time

Second Chance Committee

Animal Protection Society

The Second Chance Programme aims to assist in improving the quality of life for Brisbane’s homeless women. The committee’s small group of Year 12s are eager to make an impact on the community through building awareness of a growing social problem and raising much needed resources and donations for this cause.

The year began with a blanket drive for the homeless female teenagers in Brisbane’s inner suburbs. Recipients of housing assistance from the Anglican Women’s Hostel in New Farm appreciated the timely donation which allowed them to endure the cold winter nights we experienced this year. The Open Day Raffle exceeded our highest expectations. A range of great prizes were on offer such as an accommodation voucher for the Marriott Hotel Brisbane, a pack of Hope Estate Wines and parking vouchers for Queens Car Park. All together $680 was raised which Dale Spender and the other members of Brisbane’s Second Chance Fundraising Committee were delighted to receive. opportunity for fundraising and $110 was raised for Medecins sans Frontieres. This money goes towards providing emergency medical treatment to impoverished or war- stricken populations in over seventy countries. At Open Day, Interact raised $250 in funds through marketing their traditional strawberry and marshmallow skewers dipped in chocolate. The money raised through the sale of this decadent fare went towards the purchase of a ShelterBox. Packed with necessities such as tents, sleeping mats, thermal blankets, tools, cooking utensils and activities for children, ShelterBoxes are distributed to people who have been displaced by natural disasters and war. The continued support of this worthy cause was achieved through the raffle of a prize loaded ‘Wishing Tree’ in Term IV.

Term III and IV focused on collecting household starter kits for donation to Zig Zag, a homeless women’s centre based in Camp Hill. This centre aims to assist homeless teenage girls and young women in supporting themselves and reclaiming control and confidence in their disrupted lives. “It Takes Two” was our final fundraiser for the year. Some talented students and enthusiastic teachers came together to provide a great lunchtime of entertainment. Overall the Committee enjoyed a very successful year and thank you to everyone who assisted in making this possible. Charlotte Boyte (12B) and Ellen McCready (12E) Captains

The Animal Protection Society is devoted to raising funds for endangered species and animal protection organisations in Australia. It also aims to promote awareness of animal protection throughout the School and community through a number of different activities. This year the Animal Protection Society dedicated Term I to raising funds for Guide Dogs Queensland. This was done through a “guess the number of jelly beans” competition

and by inviting a member of Guide Dogs Queensland and her guide dog to speak at assembly about their organisation. Term II was also a great success with the society concentrating on sewing blankets together for RSPCA shelter animals co-ordinated by Woofies Doggy Day Care. Students worked together in a knitting frenzy to sew blankets to keep the animals warm during winter. This amazing effort was demonstrated by the high mountain of blankets

we were able to present to the shelter at the end of the term. On Open Day the society hosted a stall in support of the RSPCA and the National Bilby Fund. Thanks to all the enthusiastic girls who worked hard throughout the year to make the society such a success, by giving their time to contribute with great efforts.

Lani Bajracharya (12B) and Roya Garayeli (12B) Captains

GECO Grammar Environmental & Conservation Organisation

Interact Club

2007 has been a big year for GECO. In Term II we held a ‘guess the number of jellybeans in the jar’ competition, which raised $40. At Open Day we displayed a bare tree branch so people could buy a green ribbon and tie it on the branch to “green it up.” This raised $160, contributing to an overall amount of $200 for Planet Ark. GECO, representing Brisbane Girls Grammar School took part in the National School’s Tree Day in August. Two magnificent Corymbia ptychocarpa trees were planted in Gehrman Lane on Open Day by Ms Bell and the Head Girls to commemorate the day. The trees are doing quite well and we cannot wait to see them in full bloom. During Term IV, GECO hopes to plant fifty new trees at Marrapatta for Arbour Day, the special day in

environment. We would like to thank Mrs Woodford and the members of GECO for making 2007 one of the most worthwhile, effective and memorable years to date. We hope GECO continues to grow and expand in the years to come. It has done a wonderful job of raising environmental awareness about issues such as the water crisis and pollution; however we cannot do it by ourselves. We need you. As the Channel Nine weather presenter says, “there is a solution and you’re part of it.” Samantha Yarde (12L) Captain

The Brisbane Girls Grammar Interact Club, once boasting a large membership across the School, was proudly resurrected in 2007 after two years of latency. Interact is a youth service group, sponsored and supported by the Windsor Rotary Club that provides an opportunity for young people to become engaged in meaningful service projects while advancing the cause of global unity. Term I featured the Interact Conference held at Brisbane Boys College in May where Lucy Fraser (11M), Charlotte Beikoff (11H) and Georgina Bertram (11H) represented Girls Grammar. Feedback from the day was very positive, with the Interactors participating in activities aimed at developing leadership and ideas for fundraising throughout the year. The annual Interhouse Swimming Carnival heralded Interact’s first

Many thanks must go to Interact’s Co-ordinator, Miss Christopherson for her organisation, indefatigable enthusiasm and support. Much gratitude is also owed to Mr Briar Thomas, our District Member Rotarian, for his continued assistance and encouragement. Congratulations and thanks to the entire Interact Committee for their tireless effort throughout the year and particularly to Committee members, Secretary Jemima Connolly (12M) and Treasurer Lucy Fraser (11M). Anna Redmond (11G) President

the year to celebrate the importance of trees in our

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