2007 School Magazine

Mind Power

Café Society

Art Café

There was a large number of staff, students and parents who attended the Art Cafés this year, with talks by Robert Leonard, Director of the Institute of Modern Art, Sebastian di Mauro, internationally recognised installation artist and lecturer, and Michael Eather, Director of the primarily indigenous Fireworks Gallery. Leonard and Eather updated us on current exhibitions and di Mauro spoke about his artistic practice and motivations for his oeuvre. The Art Café provided an opportunity for students and members of the School community to meet with members of the Brisbane art community and keep abreast of current trends in Visual Art. Mr Donald Pincott Co-ordinator

Maths Café

Chess Club

On Monday 14 May, an appreciative audience was treated to an exciting and interesting History of Mathematics presented by Emeritus Professor Rudolf Vyborny — a world renowned mathematician who gives his name to Vyborny’s Theorem in the area of Calculus. Professor Vyborny provided some stimulating ideas for some of the more mathematically able students in attendance, and more than challenged the adults as well! The Maths Café provides a unique forum for the discussion of topical mathematical ideas and phenomenon. participants. The final speakers for the year were Mrs Jacqueline Colwill, Director of the Creative Arts Faculty and Dr Marguerite La Caze from the University of Queensland Philosophy Department. The Philosophy Café is an initiative of the Principal, Ms Bell, with Brisbane Girls Grammar School being the first secondary school in Australia to institute its own Café. Mr Rick Bowman Co-ordinator

matched wits with the boys from Brisbane Grammar School in a couple of spirited but friendly afternoons of

Raising their Game in 007

This year many new girls joined Chess Club, eager to pit their talents against those of fellow students. Our new coaches have taught us different ways of opening and ending our games, strengthening old skills, and adding new ones to our repertoires. The influx of new talent and ability this year has challenged old hands and taught us that “sitting on our laurels” is not always a good idea — there is always room to improve your game. With that in mind Brisbane Girls Grammar School Chess Club

competition. The pizza and soft drink following games were a resounding success — a round of chess can be very strenuous. During the year, students were also fortunate enough to compete in several Queensland Schools Chess Competitions, facing unknown opponents from schools throughout the Brisbane region. The competitions allowed the girls to test their abilities and provided them with valuable experience. The girls have learnt a great deal from the weekly chess lessons and

Art Walks

The walks continue to be popular with an avid group of parents, friends, students and staff strolling

enjoyed trying new strategies

between the galleries of the Brunswick Street Art Precinct. Gallery owners, such as Bruce Heiser (Heiser Gallery), warmly welcomed us and provided a stimulating insight of the variety of art exhibited in all of the galleries. Mr Donald Pincott Co-ordinator

against their friends. This year’s Chess Club,

with more participation and enthusiasm, has been very successful. Samantha Luck (11W)

Literature Café meets six times across the year. Invitations are extended to both the Brisbane Girls Grammar School and Brisbane Grammar School communities to come together to discuss a specific work. In 2007 the list included, The Man Booker prize winner, The Inheritance of Loss, David Malouf’s short stories, Every Move You Make and Suite Francaise a book published in 2004, the very existence of which The Philosophy Café continues to be supported by a loyal group of students, parents and staff. The first Philosophy Café Queensland Philosophy Department, spoke on the topic of “Time Travel”. Dr Colyvan who has presented at the Café previously and has always stimulated interesting and lively discussion. Mr Alan Dale, the Dean of Students, also provided an speaker this year was Dr Mark Colyvan, from the University of

interesting Café topic — Teaching Religion in a Multicultural Age. Mr Dale’s talk revealed his exceptional level of erudition and ability to communicate ideas in a manner that all can grasp. Mr Gil Burgh from the Contemporary Studies Department at the University of Queensland led us in a genuine Socratic dialogue in May. Mr Rex Howard, Principal of the Brisbane School of Philosophy, also led a Socratic dialogue at a Café held in August which created in- depth interaction between

Fourteen of our finest young mathematicians from Years 8, 9 and 10 sat the gruelling four hour Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad. This examination consisted of ten questions of a very unfamiliar, demanding nature requiring considerable knowledge and insight. The girls had weekly training sessions led by our highly successful Olympiad competitor Kathryn Zealand (11R) to familiarise themselves with some

Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad

Mr Donald Pincott Co-ordinator

Literature Café

National Independent Bookseller of the Year for the past two years running where the owner and past parent Mrs Suzi Wilson,

had been unknown for sixty- two years. This Café has been operating now for seven years and has

of the concepts and methods required to solve these types of problems, as often the questions require analytical skills that are beyond the regular junior secondary syllabus.

entertains the group with a

developed a loyal number of attendees who enjoy the light hearted discussion, social connections and thoughtful dissection of the selected books. At the end of the year, the Literature Café traditionally closes with a function at Riverbend Books,

book chat including ideas for Summer holiday reading, Christmas buying and of course suggestions for the Literature Café book list in 2008. Mrs Jacqueline Colwill Co-ordinator

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