2006 School Magazine
Helping Hands
Second Chance Programme
The Second Chance Programme aims to address the shocking issue of homeless women in Brisbane who have been invisible for too long. With no shelter, no food and few clothes, these women are left abandoned and helpless on the streets. Building upon the foundations established by the Year 12 girls of 2005, the committee has continued to raise awareness about the issue of homeless women. This year our major success was the The Da Vinci Codemovie night held inMay, which raised over $2500. Not only did the event engage many students and staff, it also attracted members of the wider Grammar community, making the night both enjoyable and memorable. Throughout the year we have also been equipping the Anglican Women’s Hostel with essential toiletries through several drives. A small contribution from each girl has been enough to make a huge difference to the lives of thousands of women. The girls from the committeehave thoroughlyenjoyed the privilege of working towards such a worthy cause and we hope that many girls in the upcoming years will continue to support this committee and its endeavours. Gowri Chandrashaker (12E) and Shaiyla Sivakumar (12L)
The School remembers Kirsten Jack The enthusiastic involvement of the girls from all Year levels in this year’s Kirsten Jack Memorial Leukaemia Committee has made the year rewarding for all members of the committee, the Girls Grammar community and children suffering from leukaemia at the Royal Children’s Hospital. This year’s aim was to bring together members of the student body who were interested in fundraising as well as to raise awareness about the illness in both the Grammar communities. During Semester 1, the committee enthusiastically held many fundraising activities and visited young patients in the leukaemia ward at Royal Brisbane Hospital. Money was raised from selling roses on Valentine’s Day in Term I and providing refreshments at the Interhouse Drama Festival in Term II, both of which were a huge success. Many thanks must go to Mrs P Murphy and Mrs E Pattemore, the Drama Co-ordinators, and all actors and supporters involved, for purchasing refreshments and giving donations at the door. On the annual Open Day on 4 August, we combined with the Health Promoting Schools Committee, to fundraise over $800. As well as having a fantastic time in making and selling waffles and home made pretzels, this event allowed us to share laughter and brought members from both committees closer together. This year, our committee has developed an outstanding camaraderie which was central to the spirited fulfilment of our aims. Whilst the many new friendships made and experience gained may be considered sufficient reward, committee members are to be congratulated for their enthusiastic involvement. The Kirsten Jack Memorial Leukaemia Committee 2006 has been a huge success, raising over $1200 for the Royal Children’s Leukaemia Research fund. This would not have been possible without Mrs P Harvey-Short and the Co-ordinator, Ms J O’Sullivan, whom we thank for their guidance and organizational support. A huge thanks must also go to the members, and each and every student who has helped out and been part of our memorable experience this year.
Health Promoting Schools (HPS) is a student- driven committee striving to promote and encourage the maintenance of health and balance within school life. With the guidance ofMs G Johnston, theHead of Health and Physical Education, the club has successfully raised awareness in areas of nutrition and emotional well-being, as well as participating in various health- related issues concerning girls today. Tatts and Tiaras Day was the club’s first fundraising awareness campaign for 2006. It was held to support the Abused Child’s Trust on Valentine’s Day. A total of $800 was raised. This was a creditable effort achieved by the dedicated and enthusiastic members of the committee. The next item on the agenda was to organiseAustralia’s BiggestMorning Tea within the School in support of The Cancer Council of Australia. This was a fun way of strengthening the bonds between members of the committee as everyone contributed by bringing in cakes, muffins and assorted yummy but healthy foods. A total of $300 was raised, as well as student awareness that healthy foods can be just as appealing as
Throughout 2006, HPS has actively sought feedback and suggestions from students on ways to improve the School’s safety and maintain a pleasant and stimulating learning environment. As a result, a healthy and strong relationship has been establishedwith the very foundation of the School - its students. HPS has again upheld its active and motivated reputation in the School community and will undoubtedly continue to influence students’ lives in positive ways.
unhealthy ones. This event was soon followed by Pink Day, an initiative for Breast Cancer research and education. Pink Day involved every service club within the School. Each had to be responsible for a particular awareness campaign. HPS was delegated the important role of selling pink merchandise as well as assisting the Kirsten Jack Memorial Leukaemia Committee with its hot chocolate drive. Heart Week, one of Brisbane Girls Grammar Schools traditional activities, was also held during this busy term. The Year 8 participated enthusiastically in Jump Rope for Heart and raised a total of $5468.10. Open Day was another successful event when Year 11s, the future leaders of the School, promoted the committee. HPS liaised with the Leukaemia Committee with all profits going to the Royal Children’s Hospital. We offered a healthy contrast to the food already available on the night with gourmet homemade pretzels and freshly made waffles. This was another effective initiative in building up bonds within the club, endorsing this year’s theme: ‘Build It Up’! The combined efforts of both clubs resulted in an astounding $800.
Gloria Wong (12B) and Helen Lu (12E) Captains
Tiffany Chih (12R) Captain
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