2006 School Magazine



IYPT Team in Hong Kong

For one reason or another, the Science Faculty is always in a state of flux.This year saw the introduction of newWork Programmes toYear 12 students in Physics and Biology and the transition to newWork Programmes in Chemistry and Multi-Strand Science. New senior syllabi have ramifications for younger students in terms of novel assessment instruments, differing criteria and expectations. Newassessment,newchallenges

2005 Australian Science Olympiads Once again the 2005 Olympiad results were outstanding. Annie Tong (12B) received a High Distinction for Biology and a Distinction for Chemistry. Sarah Emmett (12H) received Distinctions for Biology and Chemistry. Emma Burrell (12R) received Distinctions for Physics and Chemistry. Jade McLellan (12L) gained a Distinction for Biology and a Credit for Chemistry. Amy Hsiao (12W), Erin Miskin (12L), and Rachel Ferris (12R) received Distinctions for Biology and Vy Dinh (12B) a Credit for Physics.

The following student articles reflect on a new mandated Physics assessment task and the International Young Physicists’Tournament. Both illustrate the fundamental challenge for science of integrating theoretical research and experimental results. Some of our outstanding Science achievers are also highlighted.

The InternationalYoung Physicists’Tournament The 19th International Young Physicists’Tournament held in Bratislava, Slovakia, offered five Australian student physicists the opportunity to represent their country in one of the world’s most mentally-demanding competitions: the world of physics fights. Alexandra Price (12G), Emma Burrell (12R), Kathryn Zealand (10R), and Alex Karrasch and Tom Siebert fromBrisbaneGrammar School formulated, over severalmonths, seemingly flawless answers to seventeen complex physics problems – none of which has a perfect or simple solution. We finished joint-third in the world and all vastly improved our physics knowledge by talking to and watching presentations by physicists from all over the world, sometimes in awe.

Dr Sally Stephens, Director

Alexandra and Joanne

New Assessment in Physics

As part of the new Senior Physics curriculum, students are required to undertakeanextendedexperimental investigation (EEI). We examined apparently unsolvable problems, either individually or in pairs, with input from our teachers, but essentially guiding our own investigation. This encouraged us to be more independent, take responsibility for our own learning and ‘think outside the square’. Working with one other girl meant two perspectives on the problem as well as learning the importance of teamwork and time management skills. One example of the problems we undertook was: A wet rag is hard to drag when it is spread out and pulled across the floor. What does the resistive force depend on?While it proved to be a challenging experience to try and solve a problem that has never been solved before, it was also extremely rewarding to come very close to a solution.

Emma Burrell (12R)

Brigid and Sally

Biofutures The primary aim of the Biofutures Forum is to inspire students in Years

NationalYouth Science Forum

After a gruelling selection process, Fiona Albert (11E), Lisa Marshall (11M) and Antonia Morris (11W) were offered places at the prestigious National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) to be held in Canberra in January 2007. TheNYSF has developed a very large international programme giving students the opportunity to attend forums and seminars in other countries. After attending the 2006 NYSF, Hannah Wilson (12M) was chosen to represent Australia at The National Science Week of South Africa in July this year.

11 and 12 with an interest in biotechnology, biomedical


engineering and related disciplines to pursue careers in these fields. Sally Fry (11H) and Brigid Mulcahy (11L) attended the forum in the June/July holidays this year.

On the basis of her Silver Award performance in Biology, Annie Tong (12B) was one of twenty students selected as Australian Science Olympiad Biology Scholars, attending a two-week intensive training school at the Australian National University in Canberra.


Fiona and Lisa

Science Competition Rebecca Conrick (9W) was awarded a High Distinction Certificate in the annual Science Competition and a Medal for scoring the highest mark in her year level across the State for 2006. This is an outstanding result by Rebecca.

Joanne Belford (12W) and Alexandra Price (12G)

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