2006 School Magazine
International Studies
International Studies
Language use beyond the classroom is a key component of language learning and the International Studies Faculty has in place various activity programmes to support this strategy. Authentic and technological resources including Native Speaker Language Tutors are meant to enhance and extend opportunities for language interaction as does our Affiliate School visitors who contribute to this language and cultural interaction. Languageuse beyondtheclassroom
Within language classrooms students are challenged to use the language as rehearsal for real world use. They create their own café scenarios, fashion shows or tourist ventures. Late last year students fromYear 9 German made a short film in German which won first prize in the Goethe Institute 2005 German School Film Festival. The academic aspect of language learning can only be successful if complemented by students engaging in the language as part of life scenarios.
Another important ongoing project that provides opportunities for language in use is the sharing of resources and language cultural experiences with students from Brisbane Grammar School. Students from the two School campuses have joined to promote their language skills in class time and after hours. Restaurant visits (with formal invitations and replies exchanged), visiting speakers, letter exchanges and calligraphy classes have been some of the highlights. One of the largest activities was the Bastille Day “event” held in the Great Hall of Brisbane Grammar School where students of Year 9 French competed in quizzes, poster making, and enjoyed sampling French patisserie and singing the Marseillaise.
International Affiliate School Programme Grammargirlsandstudents fromour Affiliate Schools in France, Germany, China and Japan have been busy exchanging visits during 2006. The year began in January with fourteen students and two teachers from our School braving a cold and wet European winter to spend time hosted by our French Affiliate School, Lycée Saint Paul in Angoulême and on visit to Paris. It seemed that the group had no soonerreturnedhomethanstudents arrived from Lycée Saint Paul for their annual three week visit to us. Many of the students from both schools already knew each other and with repeat visits from some of the French students, the network of friendshipsbetweenthetwoschools continues to grow. Reciprocal exchanges between students from Maria-Wächtler Gymnasium and Brisbane Girls Grammar School means that when the students from Germany visit us during July and August the hosting also begins with friendship.
Our Japanese contacts continue to have a permanent presence in our School. Having said goodbye to Kanako Iwanami, our long term student fromSeirinkan High School, we welcomed Mami Asano (11M) at the beginning of Term II. Mami has quickly settled into life in Year 11 and has recently been “adopted” for the remainder of her eleven month stay by Stephanie Lloyd (11H) and her family. Mami was happy to see Haruka Yamauchi fromher schoolwhocame for two months in July and August and was also welcomed into the Lloyd family. Our Affiliate Schools in Matsusaka, Mie Junior and Mie Senior High Schools sent six students on a two week visit, so for several weeks in our winter termwe saw a mixture of uniforms at Brisbane Girls Grammar School. September saw twenty-five of our students travel to Affiliate Schools in France, Germany and China for their immersion in language and
culture and a chance at experiencing home and school life and international friendships. At any given moment of life in the Grammar community our Affiliate School Programme provides an international profile and perspective.
Ms Lorraine Thornquist Director
January French Trip
20 06
Br isbane Gir ls Grammar School
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