2006 School Magazine

From the Head Girls

nevertheless, as our peers watched, laughing at us dressed in zooties busting some unconventional and uncoordinatedmoves. ThewonderfulthingaboutbeingHead Girls at Grammar is that we are elected by our peers, providing us with enormous peer support, somuch so that we feel as if, corny as thismay sound, we are one big happy family. It seemsasthoughwehavetransgressed fromgroups andsocial hierarchies and have reached the point wherewe are all equal friends. This being said, we each have our quirks but we are still all part of the same building. Some are nuts (or nutters) which are only held together by the supportive bolts. Others arewood (this is no presumption on their IQ), they will give you splinters, but onceworn down and sanded, they are soft and silky. There are also concrete people, dryingquickly toget the jobdone, and the electrical circuit girls who are full of energy but make a strange buzzing sound and cause passers-by to fear

that theymight blowat anyminute. But at the end of the day, this eclectic mix of girls group together to form something great, a building that is bigger and better then the CLC, the very foundations of the Grammar family. Reminiscingon theyear, wewould like to thank the School and staff for all of their outstanding support throughout the year, particularly theYear 12s. For every singleYear 12 student in 2006, the year has been a journey of endurance, bonding and excitement. Somanygoodtimeshavebeenhadby all, andwe are finally able to appreciate the activities that Grammar has to offer, with the knowledge that it is our last time. We decided that images speak louder thanwords, so visit the DVD for a visual expression of our indescribable year.

The seniors of 2006 haveworkedwith enthusiasmandgustothroughout the year to adapt the theme of“Build It Up”to our last year behind thewhite picketfence.Withthecommencement of the construction of the Creative Learning Centre (CLC), as Head Girls for 2006, we thought it appropriate to model our theme for the year to buildingandconstruction. Wewanted you, as Grammar girls this year, to build up the fun, build up the spirit, build up the enthusiasmand build up the friendships. To build up the fun, we needed to show the girls that it was important to step outside their comfort zones and face the fear of judgment because it is in this way that life is lived to the full and the building can be expanded. One of our first initiatives was to invent a“Build It Up”dance to Build Me Up Buttercup. This was a highly embarrassing experience, but fun

contents Editorial 2 FromtheHeadGirls 3 FromthePrincipal 4 Community 5 Faculties 13 Houses 33 Creations 61 Co-curricular 71

L-R back Row: Sally Holzberger (12G), Shona McLean (11E), Lauren Hurcum (11W), Tiara Queen (12B), Nicole Fraser (12H), Irvin Lie (12R), Maria Kazovsky (12G) Front Row: Louise Dark (12W), Imogen Byrne (12G), Melinda Ranson (12R), Tiffany Chih (12R)

CLC you later!

Editorial Eachnewyearbringsnewchallenges, new delights, and new pursuits. This year has been no different. From the constructionof theCreative Learning Centre to the new-look magazine, this year at Brisbane Girls Grammar School has been as unique as each of the individual girls in it. Our 2006 magazinecelebratesthisuniqueness and the achievements of our girls, both individually and collectively. This year you may not immediately find the number of photographs, stories or sections that you are used to. The saying “Never judge a book by its cover”, however, rings true. While physically smaller, this year’s magazine is by far our biggest and most exciting edition yet. It has been amazing to contribute to the preparations for this first ever multimodal, interactive magazine. With this DVD, we hope to include a wider representationof everyaspect of school life, covering every event, every subject and every club to the extent that each deserves. As with the construction of the Creative Learning Centre, our 2006 edition

will no doubt set a precedent for the standard of excellence that Girls Grammar can produce. Each member of the Grammar community has their own view on what has characterised this year and, indeed, what characterises the Grammar spirit. There is no doubt in my mind that it is our choices that define us and our actions that distinguish us. Whether you have managed to “Build It Up” or still need to find the bricks and mortar, I know that each girl can read this magazine with the confidence that she has played her part. Grammar does not just give its pupils the knowledge to realise their dreams, but the skills to achieve them. Whatever the future holds for the outgoing Year 12s, the incoming Year 8s and those who are to remain at the School, we can be secure in the fact that we are prepared for it. Our future is now…

Sophie Matterson and Elizabeth Forrest Head Girls


Bin it, Bag it, Better it! The Student Executive Council took on the rubbish situation!

Visit the companion DVD to view additional images and related information.


Melinda Ranson (12R) Publications Captain

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