2004 School Magazine


Community:Service Programme Y R 10 SERVICE PROGRAMME >


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Pro^^--rot Nthough still based on the principles of contributing to the coinmun, ty and making a d, fference the Year I O Service Programme for 2004 was completely overhauled in order to encourage greater Independence and offer more choice Year I O guns were given a folio of information; they 11stened to guest speakers from the coinmun, ty. , and were able to access Information on Grammarnet for support, then, using their House Group teache as a mentor they had to organ, se and complete I Z hours of Community Service in the, r own time. One of the more challenging opt, ons was to become a telephone buddy in the Smith Family student2student peer tutor, rig prog am me Thirteen girls completed the tm, ning for thus programme and opposite are some reflect, ons on their experience which demonstrate how worthwh, Ie their efforts were. V, I, a-

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