2004 School Magazine
066 Grimth House:The Colour
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Top of page: That winning reeling - Year I2 A and B Relay teams. island 2nd Right: Kelly Murphy Above: ATooke Kahawiia
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>. The year 2004 is rapidly coming to an end. Throughout the year Grimth girls have outdone themselves with great spirit, enthusiasm and participation. The year commenced with the Year 125 leading an exciting, fun-filled day, welcoming the Year 85 Into their new home It was a day of eating, sharing, necklacemaking, fun and most importantly, red Soon after Grimth held their House Party, which was a great way to start the year it was an exciting and
Grimth House has had much success this year in all arenas of the School community it began in Term I with the performance of Hating Ajison Ashley, which won a Gold Award in the Interhouse Drama competition, led by our Drama captains, Lucy Bames and Lauren Odgers. The cast did a superb Job and special mention must be made of Elizabeth Talbot and Shiraz Tilley for their exceptional performances in the lead roles. Another in aJor event in Term I was the Interhouse Swimming Competition The Sports Captains, Lucinda Wright and NICole Cheales, led a day of cheering, great enthusiasm and sportsmanship. with Grimth
House achieving very pleasing results The redbacksJoined together again, as a force to be reckoned with, doing extremely well in the Inter house Cross Country Competition at the end of Term 11. Term 111 brought with it the Inter house Athletics Competition, where Grimth placed fourth Kate Leitch in 12 Grimth once again won the 17 Years Age Championship and Miranda Smart came third. Another important event in Term 111 was Open Day. Grimth did extremely well with their Lob-A-Choc stall raising $600 for Multiple Sclerosis The immense success of Grimth this year can be attributed to the outstanding spirit
entertaining afternoon, allowing the girls to meet the new members of the House, participate in the annual Miss Redback competition and play plenty of games
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