2004 School Magazine
. Beanland House:The Culture THE COLOUR > " We +,\, 01.4, IK evevlj coLe. -coLbe. -r o^ +,^^ ^o s^ {"or ""it S^,!ppOY+ 0, .^'. a. a^', ConyO, .^a, "a^', +v, rod, ^I^,, o4, I+ zoot+-.
Below: Year I O Beanland athletes
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Above: Magic does happen In Beanland House Above left: Years 9 and 12 having fun in pink Below Year 95 - Pretty in Pink
Above: Year 12 performing at the House Parry
Events Cup and the England Cup for Relays This occurred because of the support, effort and team work displayed by every girl in the House Hannah Turner and Hannah CockbumS leadership
RobertsThomson and Dominique Cassidy in association with the Olympics. a Beanland Olympics was held. This Involved many games and activities in which House Groups could gain or lose points Enthusiasm was shown by all of Beanland but Year 8 won this competition easily with their energy and spirit The Interhouse Athletics Competition was a fantastic opportunity for the Beanland girls to show off their sporting abilities and particularly our Age Champions, AIShlin Greig 114 Yearsj and Megan Rutherford 115 Yearsj. Megan became the School Athletics Champion. Beanland House won the Athletics Challenge Cup for the fourth successive year and took out the individual
Year 12 cannot be forgotten as this year they have been exemplary role models for the rest of the House. Thank you for your neverending support. enthusiasm and energy Overall, it has been a highly enjoyable and spirited year. We thank every member of the House for their support and encouragement throughout 2004 batire, ,I Shi+, Lays * Sri. ,". atI+, LA Kj!bit House Captain & House ViceCaptain
skills were outstanding and they have been fantastic House Sports Captains for Beanland across 2004 Open Day was also successful with Beanland House selling pink ribbons and pink fairy floss and raising S 1200 for the Royal ChildrenS Hospital and the Queensland Cancer Fund Everyone un the House contributed to the success of the night, especially the Year I I cohort who organised the House stall
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