2004 School Magazine
ditorial Magazine Committe
students worldwid , wh end vou"
2004 has been the community to u with the resulting inphasis on ch rity and fundraising. The Grammar ommuniry has thrown Itself wholeheartedly into I ruistic events, raising substanti I fund to suppo W, L8, ,I S I'd84'1+S WritK +, LVOt48, L {'84,108 a+ +, L8 I 81 PICKe- Srisba. ,, 186ir!s Grab","ar School, he are ,,, o solet 84, +grima o4', eat40a. +1041a. ! i, ,Is+i+I^I+io, ,I, +, Le are 84.1+aYi, ,18- a COULD".,, 141i+ .
When students walk through the white, picket fence at Brisbane Girls Grammar School, they are not solely entering an educational institution, they are entering a community. A welcoming community which provides a nurturing protective environment. safe haven. if you like. from wh I c n be for some. the incre singly unstable, uncertain world outside. Global events such as the recen BeSI n School crisis in Ru sia reamrms for in ny peopl , Iha educ Lion Is nor a right. but a privilege Th curriculum a Girl Grammar is broad and ver tile, offering girls the opportunity
h in OS their education and kills to in o the OPPortuniUe pr nt d to Ih in. Th o110wing pages en p ul re th piri rid memories of the Gr mm r Qinmunity rid h w rldin our efforts to help and h n mall, but definite w y
AAA*, deep Gill ( 12L) Editor
Staff Consultants Mis Ann Farley Mrs .ebi'a AdaiiTs Mrs Lot'ei. Bridge Mrs JacqLieline Colwill
Student Committee Mandeep Gill IEdi:o11 Lucy Corke Shyalle IKayaj Kal. awlta Josephine LEInt
various causes. Thi Indeed has been in to challen e them elves and excel, not only cademically, but also outside the classroom. keeping with the 2004 theme of Get Born The u ces of the students competing in the When I leave Girls Grammar as a student for Intern lional Young Ph ICists Tournament the last time, it will be with the knowledge that I have gained not only an excellent h sed h Lh o1, well thetalent e u Lion, bur also life skills Iha h v exhibited a the aGSSSA competitions prep red me rid my 110w students for the and dr in a productions i evidence of the real world enduring rength and diversity I Girls The 2004School g in I no nly Gramm r dedi liontothegirl of r mm bu to " The in OS signi cant change during
M!'s Kristine Cooke Mis Torii Reddacliff Mrs Roberra Ren!z MIS Liitda TITomas
Rut!. MCCo!. cl, ie Alexai. di'a Meicei AltiTie SLi Linh Ti'Liong
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