2004 School Magazine


Faculties:International Studies



I Year of Rice 2 ,



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Above: Mr P Creese with Latin students

Photograph by Ray Cash, The Courier Mail

Right: Herr Hamernik works with German language students


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>. One of the many challenges of

language learning in a monolingual country is to bring the language into the classroom and the lives of students into our Faculty. There are many resources at hand for teachers beyond their own experience and expertise and a key resource is the Language Tutor Tutors work in all languages in collaboration with classroom teachers developing resources and most importantly I teratting with students in small group situations allowing students first hand communication with native speakers and a further support for learning in all language

skills. Currently all our Tutors are either trained teachers or teachers in training. adding to the depth of expertise available for our languagelearning students While it might seem evident to have such support for our language programmes in French, German, Chinese and Japanese, we have a Tutor also in the Latin classes Mr Creese may not be required to conduct conversation sessions, but he complements the classroom learning activities and brings

another dimension to the language and classics with his input in a recent workshop, the Language Tutors considered some major language projects that they could help develop in 2005 to ensure students use and extend their language skills in situations that rehearse real life. We look forward to their continuing contribution to the international Studies Faculty

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