2004 School Magazine


Faculties:Creative Arts



Vie-+0^. v", orp, ^OS ' >.- The Metamorphosis Project, produced in June this yea, ; was an innovative hybrid Arts undertaking. T e prqjecr evolved from a Year I I classroom Music e sinent k. The Music rodents and staff involved in the task worked with staff and rodents from other Creative Airs Departments who volunteered to work t g ther collaborativeIy, in class and in their own time. as partners in this experimental pro^Ct Th SUIting performance involved a fusion of digital jin e . installation work, monologue. abstract movement and inu it I c ompaniment b Ye r 9, I 0 and I I Musi , Drama, \Asu I Art and Design rid T hnology rudents The succes of Metamorph I , endorsed by dents provide eryone involved with the morivati n, en rgy and ommi merit to continue to want I be involved in innovative rid exciting initiatives within the Creative Arts Student perspectives. ...... "It was re 11 x Inng to be involved in this prqje rid I gave us an OPPortuni to perlment with ideas in different w it w I reresting to h. w u idea from the beginning of the process ha d and grew 10n. t e y to reate our final product One o the or hin saboutworkin n hi prqje w h wewr bl to work with stud nts from differ n year I vel This w s ch Ilen Ing rid h I. . - . to cr re en more ide PI^, 18.0+

FAG U LTY O F CREATIVE ART >-- The Creative Arts Faculty in 2004 continues to demonstrate the immense benefits of a creative education at Brisbane Girls Grammar School. visual Art, Drama, Music and Design and Technology Departments have provided a variety of experiences this year for students to engage in their own learning by . increasing self esteem and confidence . developing skills in setting goals and planning to achieve them . providing learning opportunities that are relevant to the students' lived experiences and Interests


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