2004 School Magazine
Community:Second Chance
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>.. Earlier this year Professor Dale Spender visited the Year I I cohort and spoke about The Second Chance Programme for homeless women. in her speech Professor Spender outlined the need for greater support for homeless women in our society The outstanding aspect of the Second Chance Programme is that it provides ongoing support for women in need. She called for volunteers to assist in the collection of money at The Savoir Faire fashion parade on the 6 April. Year I I responded wholeheartedly with numerous
girls volunteering their time during the Easter holidays On the night our girls were first down the catwalk before, buckets in hand, the gold coin donations were collected in earnest. There were smiles all round at the end of the evening when S I 05000 had been raised Following this event, Year I I enthusiastically embraced the idea to continue this fundraising initiative by collecting and distributing basic toiletries and bedding generously donated by the School Community. Hirschfeld House also generously contributed $2500.00 from the
proceeds of their Open Day Hot Potato Sta to the cause With such a positive response ensured, Year I I hope that we will be able to continue to support this programme in the future
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