2004 School Magazine

Community:Careers Breakfast















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career pathways by sharing her own It was inspiration al as well as reassuring to hear that doubts, indecision, reassessment and change are all a part of the career journey Students had every opportunity to quiz the mentors in a relaxed, face-to-face encounter and I am sure that they join me in an expression of heartfelt thanks to the mentors and Friends of Girls Grammar for providing this marvellous opportunity

forty mentors and 90 Year I I and 12 students met for breakfast in the School Auditorium. The purpose of the event was to allow senior students to explore occupations through interaction with professionals currently working in the field. As always, former students, parents and friends gave unstintingly of their time and experience and the School 15 most appreciative of their efforts Kate Thelander IClass of 19971 generously agreed to be Guest Speaker for the breakfast and offered valuable insights into creating

Mr a~ Sea. ,La. Careers Counsellor

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