2004 School Magazine


Creations:Original Works

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>.. I walked towards the school gate My heart heary with dread, it creaked and swung open, Concentrate on the path ahead As I reached the classroom,

Gemma Villan 121



all chatter and laughter subsided; Everyone turned to look at me, A sea of white faces staring, motionlessly I felt alone, I felt frightened. I felt an outsider

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> My flesh and blood, My kin, we're breaking apart. My lifeS in the bin

The homes a mess, work is worse Job after job, I curse and curse

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All the moneyS gone, but the I^jinily still ear, though I don't know what, 'cause thereS no vegies or meat Teenage daughters on the booze, spends all her money on it when really she needs new shoes My husband smokes and drinks all day to try and drive his feelings away bur all he gets is to throw up and another trip into dark, black sadness

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Nothings going right. I've half a mind to drink myself,


Leila Suhaimi 12M

'cause nothing can rid me of this feeling, this feeling that I'm drowning in despair

Poll Gayd*lay 9L

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