2004 School Magazine
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Creations:Original Works
>-- Soft paws running make no sound
As if they do not touch the ground One big leap, a flash of fur and fangs As teeth pierce skin, away go the hunge pangs My den, my home, my well-known space in mans world I have no place Howling head up, nose to the sky The message of territory passed on by Dominant and submissive have their place Fetching dinner is an unsure race For survival is everything, some are left behind, Life over death no room to be kind
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Peta Masteis 9V/
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The pleasure of poems not so much in the art Of f'riding the right words that rhyme from the stare its in the sheer bliss of the world you create, A world of fun or one in a morbid state its in the exciting stories you can weave, The highs, the lows, the suspense you achieve; its to see someone smile or perhaps shed a tear To see someone take up a book for the first time that year its to state your opinion, to voice your feeling, To write for yourself, for enjoyment or healing Whatever it 15 about them, I know its got me Because this has become a poem, you see!
Sophie Whish 10R
Sarin, L-a"".,, 18 Dobso, ,I
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